Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import gzip
import zipfile
import bz2
import io
import os
import functools
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import collections
import subprocess as sp
from scipy.sparse import tril, triu
import pathlib
import re
from os.path import join, exists
from random import getrandbits
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from Bio import SeqIO, SeqUtils
import hicstuff.hicstuff as hcs
from hicstuff.log import logger
from hicstuff.version import __version__
import scipy.stats as ss


DEFAULT_SPARSE_MATRIX_FILE_NAME = "abs_fragments_contacts_weighted.txt"

def _cols_to_sparse(sparse_array, shape=None, dtype=np.float64):
    Make a coordinate based sparse matrix from columns.
    Convert (3, n) shaped arrays to a sparse matrix. The first
    one acts as the row coordinates, the second one as the
    column coordinates, the third one as the data points
    for each pair. If duplicates are found, the data points are

    sparse_array : array_like
        An array with exactly three columns representing the sparse
        matrix data in coordinate format.
    shape : tuple of int
        The total number of rows and columns in the matrix. Will be estimated
        from nonzero values if omitted.
    dtype : type, optional
        The type of data being loaded. Default is numpy.float64


        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> row, col = np.array([1, 2, 3]), np.array([3, 2, 1])
        >>> data = np.array([4, 5, 6])
        >>> M = np.array([row, col, data]).T
        >>> S = _cols_to_sparse(M)
        >>> print(S.todense())
        [[0. 0. 0. 0.]
         [0. 0. 0. 4.]
         [0. 0. 5. 0.]
         [0. 6. 0. 0.]]

    row = sparse_array[:, 0]
    col = sparse_array[:, 1]
    data = sparse_array[:, 2]
    if shape is None:
        n = int(max(np.amax(row), np.amax(col))) + 1
        shape = (n, n)

    S = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=shape, dtype=dtype)
    return S

[docs]def load_sparse_matrix(mat_path, binning=1, dtype=np.float64): """Load sparse matrix Load a text file matrix into a sparse matrix object. The expected format is a 3 column file where columns are row_number, col_number, value. The first line consists of 3 values representing the total number of rows, columns and nonzero values. Parameters ---------- mat_path : file, str or pathlib.Path The input matrix file in instagraal format. binning : int or "auto" The binning to perform. If "auto", binning will be automatically inferred so that the matrix size will not go beyond (10000, 10000) in shape. That can be changed by modifying the DEFAULT_MAX_MATRIX_SHAPE value. Default is 1, i.e. no binning is performed dtype : type, optional The type of data being loaded. Default is numpy.float64 Returns ------- sparse_mat : scipy.sparse.coo_matrix The output (sparse) matrix in COOrdinate format. Examples -------- >>> S = load_sparse_matrix('test_data/mat_5kb.tsv', binning=1) >>>[:10] array([84., 2., 3., 2., 1., 1., 50., 1., 66., 1.]) >>> S.shape (16, 16) """ try: cols_arr = np.loadtxt(mat_path, delimiter="\t", dtype=dtype) shape = (int(cols_arr[0, 0]), int(cols_arr[0, 1])) except ValueError: cols_arr = np.loadtxt( mat_path, delimiter="\t", dtype=dtype, skiprows=1 ) shape = None # Get values into an array without the header. Use the header to give size. sparse_mat = _cols_to_sparse(cols_arr[1:, :], shape=shape, dtype=dtype) if binning == "auto": num_bins = max(sparse_mat.shape) + 1 subsampling_factor = num_bins // DEFAULT_MAX_MATRIX_SHAPE else: subsampling_factor = binning sparse_mat = hcs.bin_sparse( sparse_mat, subsampling_factor=subsampling_factor ) return sparse_mat
[docs]def save_sparse_matrix(s_mat, path): """Save a sparse matrix Saves a sparse matrix object into tsv format. Parameters ---------- s_mat : scipy.sparse.coo_matrix The sparse matrix to save on disk path : str File path where the matrix will be stored """ if s_mat.format != "coo": ValueError("Sparse matrix must be in coo format") dtype = s_mat.dtype fmt = "%i" if dtype == int else "%.10e" sparse_arr = np.vstack([s_mat.row, s_mat.col,]).T np.savetxt( path, sparse_arr, header="{nrows}\t{ncols}\t{nonzero}".format( nrows=s_mat.shape[0], ncols=s_mat.shape[1], nonzero=s_mat.nnz ), comments="", fmt=fmt, delimiter="\t", )
[docs]def load_pos_col(path, colnum, header=1, dtype=np.int64): """ Loads a single column of a TSV file with header into a numpy array. Parameters ---------- path : str The path of the TSV file to load. colnum : int The 0-based index of the column to load. header : int Number of line to skip. By default the header is a single line. Returns ------- numpy.array : A 1D numpy array with the Examples -------- >>> load_pos_col('test_data/mat_5kb.tsv', 0)[:10] array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2]) """ pos_arr = np.genfromtxt( path, delimiter="\t", usecols=(colnum,), skip_header=header, dtype=dtype, ) return pos_arr
[docs]def generate_temp_dir(path): """Temporary directory generation Generates a temporary file with a random name at the input path. Parameters ---------- path : str The path at which the temporary directory will be created. Returns ------- str The path of the newly created temporary directory. """ exist = True while exist: # Keep trying random directory names if they already exist directory = str(hex(getrandbits(32)))[2:] full_path = join(path, directory) if not exists(full_path): exist = False try: os.makedirs(full_path) except PermissionError: raise PermissionError( "The temporary directory cannot be created in {}. " "Make sure you have write permission.".format(path) ) return full_path
def _check_cooler(fun): """Decorates function `fun` to check if cooler is available..""" @functools.wraps(fun) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): try: import cooler fun.__globals__["cooler"] = cooler except ImportError: logger.error( "The cooler package is required to use {0}, please install it first".format( fun.__name__ ) ) raise ImportError("The cooler package is required.") return fun(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped
[docs]@_check_cooler def add_cool_column( clr, column, column_name, table_name="bins", metadata={}, dtype=None ): """ Adds a new column to a loaded Cooler store. If the column exists, it is replaced. This will affect the .cool file. Parameters ---------- clr : Cooler object A Cooler store. column : pandas Series The column to add to the cooler. column_name : str The name of the column to add. table_name : str The name of the table to which the column should be added. Defaults to the "bins" table. metadata : dict A dictionary of metadata to associate with the new column. """ with"r+") as c: if column_name in c[table_name]: del c[table_name][column_name] h5opts = dict(compression="gzip", compression_opts=6) c[table_name].create_dataset( column_name, data=column, dtype=dtype, **h5opts ) c[table_name][column_name].attrs.update(metadata)
[docs]@_check_cooler def load_cool(cool): """ Reads a cool file into memory and parses it into graal style tables. Parameters ---------- cool : str Path to the input .cool file. Returns ------- mat : scipy coo_matrix Hi-C contact map in COO format. frags : pandas DataFrame Table off bins matching the matrix. Corresponds to the content of the fragments_list.txt file. chroms : pandas DataFrame Table of chromosome informations. """ c = cooler.Cooler(cool) # pylint: disable=undefined-variable frags = c.bins()[:] chroms = c.chroms()[:] mat = c.pixels()[:] frags.rename( columns={"start": "start_pos", "end": "end_pos"}, inplace=True ) frags["id"] = frags.groupby("chrom", sort=False).cumcount() + 1 # Try loading hicstuff-specific columns try: frags = frags[ ["id", "chrom", "start_pos", "end_pos", "size", "gc_content"] ] # If absent, only load standard columns except KeyError: frags = frags[["id", "chrom", "start_pos", "end_pos"]] chroms["cumul_length"] = ( chroms.length.shift(1).fillna(0).cumsum().astype(int) ) n_frags = c.bins()[:].groupby("chrom", sort=False).count().start chroms["n_frags"] = chroms.merge( n_frags, right_index=True, left_on="name", how="left" ).start chroms.rename(columns={"name": "contig"}, inplace=True) n = int(max(np.amax(mat.bin1_id), np.amax(mat.bin2_id))) + 1 shape = (n, n) mat = coo_matrix((mat["count"], (mat.bin1_id, mat.bin2_id)), shape=shape) return mat, frags, chroms
[docs]@_check_cooler def save_cool(cool_out, mat, frags, metadata={}): """ Writes a .cool file from graal style tables. Parameters ---------- cool_out : str Path to the output cool file. mat : scipy coo_matrix The Hi-C contact matrix in sparse COO format. frags : pandas DataFrame The graal style 'fragments_list' table. metadata : dict Potential metadata to associate with the cool file. """ up_tri = False # Check if symmetric matrix is symmetric # (i.e. only upper triangle or full mat) if (abs(mat - mat.T) > 1e-10).nnz != 0: up_tri = True # Drop useless column try: bins = frags.drop("id", axis=1) except KeyError: bins = frags # Get column names right bins.rename( columns={"seq": "chrom", "start_pos": "start", "end_pos": "end"}, inplace=True, ) mat_dict = {"bin1_id": mat.row, "bin2_id": mat.col, "count":} pixels = pd.DataFrame(mat_dict) cooler.create_cooler( # pylint: disable=undefined-variable cool_out, bins, pixels, metadata=metadata, symmetric_upper=up_tri, triucheck=False, )
[docs]def read_compressed(filename, mode='r'): """Read compressed file Opens the file in read mode with appropriate decompression algorithm. Parameters ---------- filename : str The path to the input file Returns ------- file-like object The handle to access the input file's content """ # Standard header bytes for diff compression formats comp_bytes = { b"\x1f\x8b\x08": "gz", b"\x42\x5a\x68": "bz2", b"\x50\x4b\x03\x04": "zip", } max_len = max(len(x) for x in comp_bytes) def file_type(filename): """Guess file type Compare header bytes with those in the file and return type. """ with open(filename, "rb") as f: file_start = for magic, filetype in comp_bytes.items(): if file_start.startswith(magic): return filetype return "uncompressed" # Open file with appropriate function mode_map = {'r': 'rt', 'rb': 'rb'} comp = file_type(filename) if comp == "gz": return, mode_map[mode]) elif comp == "bz2": return, mode_map[mode]) elif comp == "zip": zip_arch = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, mode) if len(zip_arch.namelist()) > 1: raise IOError( "Only a single fastq file must be in the zip archive." ) else: # ZipFile opens as bytes by default, using io to read as text zip_content =[0], mode) return io.TextIOWrapper(zip_content, encoding="utf-8") else: return open(filename, mode)
[docs]def is_compressed(filename): """Check compression status Check if the input file is compressed from the first bytes. Parameters ---------- filename : str The path to the input file Returns ------- bool True if the file is compressed, False otherwise. """ # Standard header bytes for diff compression formats comp_bytes = { b"\x1f\x8b\x08": "gz", b"\x42\x5a\x68": "bz2", b"\x50\x4b\x03\x04": "zip", } max_len = max(len(x) for x in comp_bytes) with open(filename, "rb") as f: file_start = for magic, _ in comp_bytes.items(): if file_start.startswith(magic): return True return False
[docs]def from_dade_matrix(filename, header=False): """Load a DADE matrix Load a numpy array from a DADE matrix file, optionally returning bin information from the header. Header data processing is delegated downstream. Parameters ---------- filename : str, file or pathlib.Path The name of the file containing the DADE matrix. header : bool Whether to return as well information contained in the header. Default is False. Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import tempfile >>> lines = [['RST', 'chr1~0', 'chr1~10', 'chr2~0', 'chr2~30'], ... ['chr1~0', '5'], ... ['chr1~10', '8', '3'], ... ['chr2~0', '3', '5', '5'], ... ['chr2~30', '5', '10', '11', '2'] ... ] >>> formatted = ["\\t".join(l) + "\\n" for l in lines ] >>> dade = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') >>> for fm in formatted: ... dade.write(fm) 34 9 12 13 18 >>> dade.flush() >>> M, h = from_dade_matrix(, header=True) >>> dade.close() >>> print(M) [[ 5. 8. 3. 5.] [ 8. 3. 5. 10.] [ 3. 5. 5. 11.] [ 5. 10. 11. 2.]] >>> print(h) ['chr1~0', 'chr1~10', 'chr2~0', 'chr2~30'] See for more details about Dade. """ A = pd.read_csv(filename, sep="\t", header=None) A.fillna("0", inplace=True) M, headers = np.array(A.iloc[1:, 1:], dtype=np.float64), A.iloc[0, :] matrix = M + M.T - np.diag(np.diag(M)) if header: return matrix, headers.tolist()[1:] else: return matrix
[docs]def to_dade_matrix(M, annotations="", filename=None): """Returns a Dade matrix from input numpy matrix. Any annotations are added as header. If filename is provided and valid, said matrix is also saved as text. """ n, m = M.shape A = np.zeros((n + 1, m + 1)) A[1:, 1:] = M if not annotations: annotations = np.array(["" for _ in n], dtype=str) A[0, :] = annotations A[:, 0] = annotations.T if filename: try: np.savetxt(filename, A, fmt="%i") "I saved input matrix in dade format as {0}".format( str(filename) ) ) except ValueError as e: logger.warning("I couldn't save input matrix.") logger.warning(str(e)) return A
[docs]def load_into_redis(filename): """Load a file into redis Load a matrix file and sotre it in memory with redis. Useful to pass around huge datasets from scripts to scripts and load them only once. Inspired from Parameters ---------- filename : str, file or pathlib.Path The file of the matrix to load. Returns ------- key : str The key of the dataset needed to retrieve it from redis. """ try: from redis import StrictRedis as redis import time except ImportError: print( "Error! Redis does not appear to be installed in your system.", file=sys.stderr, ) exit(1) M = np.genfromtxt(filename, dtype=None) array_dtype = str(M.dtype) m, n = M.shape M = M.ravel().tostring() database = redis(host="localhost", port=6379, db=0) key = "{0}|{1}#{2}#{3}".format(int(time.time()), array_dtype, m, n) database.set(key, M) return key
[docs]def load_from_redis(key): """Retrieve a dataset from redis Retrieve a cached dataset that was stored in redis with the input key. Parameters ---------- key : str The key of the dataset that was stored in redis. Returns ------- M : numpy.ndarray The retrieved dataset in array format. """ try: from redis import StrictRedis as redis except ImportError: print( "Error! Redis does not appear to be installed in your system.", file=sys.stderr, ) exit(1) database = redis(host="localhost", port=6379, db=0) try: M = database.get(key) except KeyError: print( "Error! No dataset was found with the supplied key.", file=sys.stderr, ) exit(1) array_dtype, n, m = key.split("|")[1].split("#") M = np.fromstring(M, dtype=array_dtype).reshape(int(n), int(m)) return M
[docs]def dade_to_graal( filename, output_matrix=DEFAULT_SPARSE_MATRIX_FILE_NAME, output_contigs=DEFAULT_INFO_CONTIGS_FILE_NAME, output_frags=DEFAULT_SPARSE_MATRIX_FILE_NAME, output_dir=None, ): """Convert a matrix from DADE format ( to a graal-compatible format. Since DADE matrices contain both fragment and contact information all files are generated at the same time. """ with open(output_matrix, "w") as sparse_file: sparse_file.write("id_frag_a\tid_frag_b\tn_contact") with open(filename) as file_handle: first_line = file_handle.readline() for row_index, line in enumerate(file_handle): dense_row = np.array(line.split("\t")[1:], dtype=np.int32) for col_index in np.nonzero(dense_row)[0]: line_to_write = "{}\t{}\t{}\n".format( row_index, col_index, dense_row[col_index] ) sparse_file.write(line_to_write) header = first_line.split("\t") bin_type = header[0] if bin_type == '"RST"':"I detected fragment-wise binning") elif bin_type == '"BIN"':"I detected fixed size binning") else: logger.warning( ( "Sorry, I don't understand this matrix's " "binning: I read {}".format(str(bin_type)) ) ) header_data = [ header_elt.replace("'", "") .replace('"', "") .replace("\n", "") .split("~") for header_elt in header[1:] ] ( global_frag_ids, contig_names, local_frag_ids, frag_starts, frag_ends, ) = np.array(list(zip(*header_data))) frag_starts = frag_starts.astype(np.int32) - 1 frag_ends = frag_ends.astype(np.int32) - 1 frag_lengths = frag_ends - frag_starts total_length = len(global_frag_ids) with open(output_contigs, "w") as info_contigs: info_contigs.write("contig\tlength\tn_frags\tcumul_length\n") cumul_length = 0 for contig in collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(contig_names): length_tig = np.sum(frag_lengths[contig_names == contig]) n_frags = collections.Counter(contig_names)[contig] line_to_write = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % ( contig, length_tig, n_frags, cumul_length, ) info_contigs.write(line_to_write) cumul_length += n_frags with open(output_frags, "w") as fragments_list: fragments_list.write( "id\tchrom\tstart_pos\tend_pos" "\tsize\tgc_content\n" ) bogus_gc = 0.5 for i in range(total_length): line_to_write = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % ( int(local_frag_ids[i]) + 1, contig_names[i], frag_starts[i], frag_ends[i], frag_lengths[i], bogus_gc, ) fragments_list.write(line_to_write)
[docs]def load_bedgraph2d(filename, bin_size=None, fragments_file=None): """ Loads matrix and fragment information from a 2D bedgraph file. Note this function assumes chromosomes are ordered in alphabetical. order Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the bedgraph2D file. bin_size : int The size of bins in the case of fixed bin size. fragments_file : str Path to a fragments file to explicitely provide fragments positions. If the matrix does not have fixed bin size, this prevents errors. Returns ------- mat : scipy.sparse.coo_matrix The Hi-C contact map as the upper triangle of a symetric matrix, in sparse format. frags : pandas.DataFrame The list of fragments/bin present in the matrix with their genomic positions. """ bed2d = pd.read_csv(filename, sep="\t", header=None) chrom_sizes = {} if bin_size is not None: # If bin size if provided, retrieve chromosome lengths, this will be # used when regenerating bin coordinates chroms_left = bed2d[[3, 5]] chroms_left.columns = [0, 2] chroms = ( pd.concat([bed2d[[0, 2]], chroms_left]) .groupby([0], sort=False) .max() ) for chrom, size in zip(chroms.index, np.array(chroms)): chrom_sizes[chrom] = size[0] elif fragments_file is None: logger.warning( "Please be aware that not all information can be restored from a " "bg2 file without fixed bin size; fragments without any contact " "will be lost" ) # Get all possible fragment chrom-positions into an array frag_pos = np.vstack( [np.array(bed2d[[0, 1, 2]]), np.array(bed2d[[3, 4, 5]])] ) # Sort by position (least important, col 1) frag_pos = frag_pos[frag_pos[:, 1].argsort(kind="mergesort")] # Then by chrom (most important, col 0) frag_pos = frag_pos[frag_pos[:, 0].argsort(kind="mergesort")] # Get unique names for fragments (chrom+pos) ordered_frag_pos = ( pd.DataFrame(frag_pos).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True) ) frag_pos_a = bed2d[[0, 1]].apply(lambda x: tuple(x), axis=1) frag_pos_b = bed2d[[3, 4]].apply(lambda x: tuple(x), axis=1) # If fragments file is provided, use fragments positions to indices mapping if fragments_file is not None: frags = pd.read_csv(fragments_file, delimiter="\t") frag_map = frags.apply(lambda x: (str(x.chrom), x.start_pos), axis=1) frag_map = {f_name: f_idx for f_idx, f_name in enumerate(frag_map)} # If fixed fragment size available, use it to reconstruct original # fragments ID (even if they are absent from the bedgraph file). elif bin_size is not None: frag_map = {} chrom_frags = [] for chrom, size in chrom_sizes.items(): prev_frags = len(frag_map) for bin_id, bin_pos in enumerate(range(0, size, bin_size)): frag_map[(chrom, bin_pos)] = bin_id + prev_frags n_bins = size // bin_size chrom_frags.append( pd.DataFrame( { "id": range(1, n_bins + 1), "chrom": np.repeat(chrom, n_bins), "start_pos": range(0, size, bin_size), "end_pos": range(bin_size, size + bin_size, bin_size), } ) ) frags = pd.concat(chrom_frags, axis=0).reset_index(drop=True) frags.insert( loc=3, column="size", value=frags.end_pos - frags.start_pos ) # If None available, guess fragments indices from bedgraph (potentially wrong) else: frag_map = { (v[0], v[1]): i for i, v in ordered_frag_pos.iloc[:, [0, 1]].iterrows() } frags = ordered_frag_pos.copy() frags[3] = frags.iloc[:, 2] - frags.iloc[:, 1] frags.insert(loc=0, column="id", value=0) = frags.groupby([0], sort=False).cumcount() + 1 frags.columns = ["id", "chrom", "start_pos", "end_pos", "size"] # Match bin indices to their names frag_id_a = np.array(list(map(lambda x: frag_map[x], frag_pos_a))) frag_id_b = np.array(list(map(lambda x: frag_map[x], frag_pos_b))) contacts = np.array(bed2d.iloc[:, 6].tolist()) # Use index to build matrix n_frags = len(frag_map.keys()) mat = coo_matrix( (contacts, (frag_id_a, frag_id_b)), shape=(n_frags, n_frags) ) # Get size of each chromosome in basepairs chromsizes = frags.groupby("chrom", sort=False).apply( lambda x: np.int64(max(x.end_pos)) ) chrom_bins = frags.groupby("chrom", sort=False).size() # Shift chromsizes by one to get starting bin, first one is zero # Make chromsize cumulative to get start bin of each chrom # Get chroms into a 1D array of bin starts chrom_start = chrom_bins.shift(1, fill_value=0).cumsum() chroms = pd.DataFrame( { "contig": chromsizes.index, "length": chromsizes.values, "n_frags": chrom_bins, "cumul_length": chrom_start, } ) return mat, frags, chroms
[docs]def flexible_hic_loader( mat, fragments_file=None, chroms_file=None, quiet=False ): """ Wrapper function to load COO, bg2 or cool input and return the same output. COO formats requires fragments_file and chroms_file options. bg2 format can infer bin_size if fixed. When providing a bg2 matrix with uneven fragments length, one should provide fragments_file as well or empty bins will be truncated from the output. Parameters ---------- mat : str Path to the matrix in graal, bedgraph2 or cool format. fragments_file : str or None Path to the file with fragments information (fragments_list.txt). Only required if the matrix is in graal format. chroms_file : str or None Path to the file with chromosome information (info_contigs.txt). Only required if the matrix is in graal format. quiet : bool If True, will silence warnings for empty outputs. Returns ------- mat : scipy.sparse.coo_matrix Sparse upper triangle Hi-C matrix. frags : pandas.DataFrame or None Table of fragment informations. None if information was not provided. chroms : pandas.DataFrame or None Table of chromosomes/contig information. None if information was not provided. """ hic_format = get_hic_format(mat) # Load cool based on file extension if hic_format == "cool": mat, frags, chroms = load_cool(mat) # Use the first line to determine COO / bg2 format if hic_format == "bg2": # Use the frags file to define bins if available if fragments_file is not None: mat, frags, chroms = load_bedgraph2d( mat, fragments_file=fragments_file ) else: # Guess if bin size is fixed based on MAD bg2 = pd.read_csv(mat, sep="\t") sizes = np.array(bg2.iloc[:, 2] - bg2.iloc[:, 1]) size_mad = ss.median_abs_deviation(sizes, scale='normal') # Use only the bg2 if size_mad > 0: mat, frags, chroms = load_bedgraph2d(mat) logger.warning( "Input is a bedgraph2d file with uneven bin size, " "but no fragments_file was provided. Empty bins will " "be missing from the output. To avoid this, provide a " "fragments file." ) # Use fixed bin size else: mat, frags, chroms = load_bedgraph2d( mat, bin_size=int(np.median(sizes)) ) elif hic_format == "graal": mat = load_sparse_matrix(mat) try: frags = pd.read_csv(fragments_file, sep="\t") except ValueError: if not quiet: logger.warning( "fragments_file was not provided when " "loading a matrix in COO/graal format. frags will be None." ) frags = None try: chroms = pd.read_csv(chroms_file, sep="\t") except ValueError: if not quiet: logger.warning( "chroms_file was not provided when " "loading a matrix in COO/graal format. chroms will be None." ) chroms = None # Ensure the matrix is upper triangle symmetric if mat.shape[0] == mat.shape[1]: if (abs(mat - mat.T) > 1e-10).nnz > 0: mat = mat + tril(mat, k=-1).T mat = triu(mat, format="coo") return mat, frags, chroms
[docs]def get_hic_format(mat): """Returns the format of the input Hi-C matrix Parameters ---------- mat : str Path to the input Hi-C matrix Returns ------- str : Hi-C format string. One of graal, bg2, cool """ if ( mat.endswith(".cool") or mat.count(".mcool::/") == 1 or mat.count(".cool::/") == 1 ): hic_format = "cool" else: # Use the first line to determine COO / bg2 format ncols = len(open(mat).readline().split("\t")) if ncols == 7: hic_format = "bg2" elif ncols == 3: hic_format = "graal" else: raise ValueError("Unkown file format") return hic_format
[docs]def flexible_hic_saver( mat, out_prefix, frags=None, chroms=None, hic_fmt="graal", quiet=False, ): """ Saves objects to the desired Hi-C file format. Parameters ---------- mat : scipy.sparse.coo_matrix Hi-C contact map. out_prefix : str Output path without extension (the extension is added based on hic_fmt). frags : pandas.DataFrame or None Table of fragments informations. chroms : pandas.DataFrame or None Table of chromosomes / contigs informations. hic_fmt : str Output format. Can be one of graal for graal-compatible COO format, bg2 for 2D bedgraph format, or cool for cooler compatible format. """ if hic_fmt == "graal": save_sparse_matrix(mat, out_prefix + ".mat.tsv") try: frags.to_csv(out_prefix + ".frag.tsv", sep="\t", index=False) except AttributeError: if not quiet: logger.warning( "Could not create fragments_list.txt from input files" ) try: chroms.to_csv(out_prefix + ".chr.tsv", sep="\t", index=False) except AttributeError: if not quiet: logger.warning( "Could not create info_contigs.txt from input files" ) elif hic_fmt == "cool": frag_sizes = frags.end_pos - frags.start_pos size_mad = np.median(frag_sizes - np.median(frag_sizes)) bin_type = "variable" if size_mad else "fixed" try: save_cool( out_prefix + ".cool", mat, frags, metadata={"hicstuff": __version__, "bin-type": bin_type}, ) except NameError: NameError("frags is required to save a cool file") elif hic_fmt == "bg2": try: save_bedgraph2d(mat, frags, out_prefix + ".bg2") except NameError: NameError("frags is required to save a bg2 file") else: raise ValueError("Unknown output format: {0}".format(hic_fmt))
[docs]def save_bedgraph2d(mat, frags, out_path): """ Given a sparse matrix and a corresponding list of fragments, save a file in 2D bedgraph format. Parameters ---------- mat : scipy.sparse.coo_matrix The sparse contact map. frags : pandas.DataFrame A structure containing the annotations for each matrix bin. Should correspond to the content of the fragments_list.txt file. """ mat_df = pd.DataFrame( {"row": mat.row, "col": mat.col, "data":} ) # Merge fragments with matrix based on row indices to annotate rows merge_mat = mat_df.merge( frags, left_on="row", right_index=True, how="left", suffixes=("", "") ) # Rename annotations to assign to frag1 merge_mat.rename( columns={"chrom": "chr1", "start_pos": "start1", "end_pos": "end1"}, inplace=True, ) # Do the same operation for cols (frag2) merge_mat = merge_mat.merge( frags, left_on="col", right_index=True, how="left", suffixes=("_0", "_2"), ) merge_mat.rename( columns={"chrom": "chr2", "start_pos": "start2", "end_pos": "end2"}, inplace=True, ) # Select only relevant columns in correct order bg2 = merge_mat.loc[ :, ["chr1", "start1", "end1", "chr2", "start2", "end2", "data"] ] bg2.to_csv(out_path, header=None, index=False, sep="\t")
[docs]def get_pos_cols(df): """Get column names representing chromosome, start and end column from a dataframe. Allows flexible names. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame Returns ------- tuple of str: Tuple containing the names of the chromosome, start and end columns in the input dataframe. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> d = [1, 2, 3] >>> df = pd.DataFrame( ... {'Chromosome': d, 'Start': d, 'End': d, 'species': d} ... ) >>> get_pos_cols(df) ('Chromosome', 'Start', 'End') >>> df = pd.DataFrame( ... {'id': d, 'chr': d, 'start_bp': d, 'end_bp': d} ... ) >>> get_pos_cols(df) ('chr', 'start_bp', 'end_bp') """ # Get case insensitive column names cnames = df.columns inames = cnames.str.lower() def _col_getter(cols, pat): """Helper to get column index from the start of its name""" mask = cols.str.startswith(pat) idx = np.flatnonzero(mask)[0] return idx chrom_col = cnames[_col_getter(inames, "chr")] start_col = cnames[_col_getter(inames, "start")] end_col = cnames[_col_getter(inames, "end")] return chrom_col, start_col, end_col
[docs]def gc_bins(genome_path, frags): """Generate GC content annotation for bins using input genome. Parameters ---------- genome_path : str Path the the genome file in FASTA format. frags : pandas.DataFrame Table containing bin segmentation of the genome. Required columns: chrom, start, end. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray of floats: GC content per bin, in the range [0.0, 1.0]. """ # Grab columns by name (catch start, Start, star_pos, etc) chrom_col, start_col, end_col = get_pos_cols(frags) # Fill the gc array by chromosome gc_bins = np.zeros(frags.shape[0], dtype=float) for rec in SeqIO.parse(genome_path, "fasta"): mask = frags[chrom_col] == # Define coordinates of each bin starts = frags.loc[mask, start_col] ends = frags.loc[mask, end_col] # Slice chromosome sequence based on bins seqs = [str(rec.seq)[s:e] for s, e in zip(starts, ends)] # Fill GC values for bins in the chromosome idx = np.flatnonzero(mask) gc_bins[idx] = np.array(list(map(SeqUtils.GC, seqs))) / 100.0 return gc_bins
[docs]def sort_pairs(in_file, out_file, keys, tmp_dir=None, threads=1, buffer="2G"): """ Sort a pairs file in batches using UNIX sort. Parameters ---------- in_file : str Path to the unsorted input file out_file : str Path to the sorted output file. keys : list of str list of columns to use as sort keys. Each column can be one of readID, chr1, pos1, chr2, pos2, frag1, frag2. Key priorities are according to the order in the list. tmp_dir : str Path to the directory where temporary files will be created. Defaults to current directory. threads : int Number of parallel sorting threads. buffer : str Buffer size used for sorting. Consists of a number and a unit. """ # TODO: Write a pure python implementation to drop GNU coreutils depencency, # could be inspired from: # Check if UNIX sort version supports parallelism parallel_ok = True sort_ver = sp.Popen(["sort", "--version"], stdout=sp.PIPE) sort_ver = ( sort_ver.communicate()[0] .decode() .split("\n")[0] .split(" ")[-1] .split(".") ) # If so, specify threads, otherwise don't mention it in the command line try: sort_ver = list(map(int, sort_ver)) if sort_ver[0] < 8 or (sort_ver[0] == 8 and sort_ver[1] < 23): logger.warning( "GNU sort version is {0} but >8.23 is required for parallel " "sort. Sorting on a single thread.".format( ".".join(map(str, sort_ver)) ) ) parallel_ok = False # BSD sort has a different format and will throw error upon parsing. It does # not support parallel processes anyway. except ValueError: logger.warning( "Using BSD sort instead of GNU sort, sorting on a single thread." ) parallel_ok = False key_map = { "readID": "-k1,1d", "chr1": "-k2,2V", "pos1": "-k3,3n", "chr2": "-k4,4V", "pos2": "-k5,5n", "strand1": "-k6,6d", "strand2": "-k7,7d", "frag1": "-k8,8n", "frag2": "-k9,9n", } # transform column names to corresponding sort keys try: sort_keys = map(lambda k: key_map[k], keys) except KeyError: print("Unkown column name.") raise # Rewrite header with new sorting order header = get_pairs_header(in_file) with open(out_file, "w") as output: for line in header: if line.startswith("#sorted"): output.write("#sorted: {0}\n".format("-".join(keys))) else: output.write(line + "\n") # Sort pairs and append to file. with open(out_file, "a") as output: grep_proc = sp.Popen(["grep", "-v", "^#", in_file], stdout=sp.PIPE) sort_cmd = ["sort", "-S %s" % buffer] + list(sort_keys) if tmp_dir is not None: sort_cmd.append("--temporary-directory={0}".format(tmp_dir)) if parallel_ok: sort_cmd.append("--parallel={0}".format(threads)) sort_proc = sp.Popen(sort_cmd, stdin=grep_proc.stdout, stdout=output) sort_proc.communicate()
[docs]def get_pairs_header(pairs): r"""Retrieves the header of a .pairs file and stores lines into a list. Parameters ---------- pairs : str or file object Path to the pairs file. Returns ------- header : list of str A list of header lines found, in the same order they appear in pairs. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile >>> p = NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False) >>> p.writelines(["## pairs format v1.0\n", "#sorted: chr1-chr2\n", "abcd\n"]) >>> p.close() >>> h = get_pairs_header( >>> for line in h: ... print([line]) ['## pairs format v1.0'] ['#sorted: chr1-chr2'] >>> os.unlink( """ # Open file if needed with open(pairs, "r") as pairs: # Store header lines into a list header = [] line = pairs.readline() while line.startswith("#"): header.append(line.rstrip()) line = pairs.readline() return header
[docs]def reorder_fasta(genome, output=None, threshold=100000): """Reorder and trim a fasta file Sort a fasta file by record lengths, optionally trimming the smallest ones. Parameters ---------- genome : str, file or pathlib.Path The genome scaffold file (or file handle) output : str, file or pathlib.Path The output file to write to threshold : int, optional The size below which scaffolds are discarded, by default 100000 """ if output is None: output = "{}_renamed.fa".format(genome.split(".")[0]) handle = SeqIO.parse(genome, "fasta") handle_to_write = sorted( (len(u) for u in handle if len(u) > threshold), reverse=True ) SeqIO.write(handle_to_write, output, "fasta")
[docs]def rename_genome(genome, output=None, ambiguous=True): """Rename genome and slugify headers Rename genomes according to a simple naming scheme; this is mainly done to avoid special character weirdness. Parameters ---------- genome : file, str or pathlib.Path The input genome to be renamed and slugify. output : file, str or pathlib.Path The output genome to be written into. Default is <base>_renamed.fa, where <base> is genome_in without its extension. ambiguous : bool Whether to retain ambiguous non-N bases, otherwise rename them to Ns. Default is True. """ if output is None: output = "{}_renamed.fa".format(genome.split(".")[0]) with open(output, "w") as output_handle: for record in SeqIO.parse(genome, "fasta"): # Replace hyphens, tabs and whitespace with underscores new_record_id =" ", "_") new_record_id = new_record_id.replace("-", "_") new_record_id = new_record_id.replace("\t", "_") # Remove anything that's weird, i.e. not alphanumeric # or an underscore new_record_id = re.sub("[^_A-Za-z0-9]+", "", new_record_id) header = ">{}\n".format(new_record_id) new_seq = re.sub("[^ATGCatgcNn]", "N", str(record.seq)) output_handle.write(header) output_handle.write("{}\n".format(new_seq))
[docs]def check_fasta_index(ref, mode="bowtie2"): """ Checks for the existence of a bowtie2 or bwa index based on the reference file name. Parameters ---------- ref : str Path to the reference genome. mode : str The alignment software used to build the index. bowtie2 or bwa. If any other value is given, the function returns the reference path. Returns ------- index : str The bowtie2 or bwa index basename. None if no index was found """ ref = pathlib.Path(ref) if mode == "bowtie2": # Bowtie2 should have 6 index files bt2_idx_files = list(ref.parent.glob("{}*bt2*".format( index = None if len(bt2_idx_files) < 6 else bt2_idx_files elif mode == "bwa": refdir = str(ref.parent) refdir_files = os.listdir(refdir) bwa_idx_files = [ join(refdir, f) for f in refdir_files if".*\.(sa|pac|bwt|ann|amb)$", f) ] index = None if len(bwa_idx_files) < 5 else bwa_idx_files else: index = [ref] if index is not None: # Convert the PosixPath objects to strings and get the longest common prefix to obtain # index basename (without the dot) index = os.path.commonprefix(list(map(str, index))).strip(".") return index
[docs]def check_is_fasta(in_file): """ Checks whether input file is in fasta format. Parameters ---------- in_file : str Path to the input file. Returns ------- bool : True if the input is in fasta format, False otherwise """ try: with read_compressed(in_file) as handle: fasta = any(SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta")) except FileNotFoundError: fasta = False return fasta