Source code for hicstuff.hicstuff

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Common Hi-C functions

A bunch of handy functions for processing Hi-C data
(mainly in the form of matrices):

* Normalizations
* Interpolations
* Filters
* Removing artifacts
* Quick sum-pooling (aka 'binning') in sparse and dense form
* Simple models with parameter estimation
* Computing best-matching 3D structures
* Various metrics in use among Hi-C people for eyecandy purposes (directional index, domainograms, etc.)

These functions are meant to be simple and relatively quick
as-is implementations of procedures described in Hi-C papers.

import numpy as np
import string
import collections
import itertools
import warnings
import functools
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csr_matrix, lil_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh
from scipy.linalg import eig, toeplitz
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from scipy.sparse import issparse
import copy
import random
import pandas as pd
import sys
from hicstuff.log import logger

[docs]def distance_law_from_mat(matrix, indices=None, log_bins=True, base=1.1): """Compute distance law as a function of the genomic coordinate aka P(s). Bin length increases exponentially with distance if log_bins is True. Works on dense and sparse matrices. Less precise than the one from the pairs. Parameters ---------- matrix : numpy.array or scipy.sparse.coo_matrix Hi-C contact map of the chromosome on which the distance law is calculated. indices : None or numpy array List of indices on which to compute the distance law. For example compartments or expressed genes. log_bins : bool Whether the distance law should be computed on exponentially larger bins. Returns ------- numpy array of floats : The start index of each bin. numpy array of floats : The distance law computed per bin on the diagonal Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> mat = np.array([[3, 2, 1], [2, 3, 2], [1, 2, 3]]) >>> idx, avg = distance_law_from_mat(mat, log_bins=False) >>> idx array([0, 1, 2]) >>> avg array([3., 2., 1.]) """ n = min(matrix.shape) included_bins = np.zeros(n, dtype=bool) if indices is None: included_bins[:] = True else: included_bins[indices] = True D = np.array( [ np.average(matrix.diagonal(j)[included_bins[: n - j]]) for j in range(n) ] ) if not log_bins: return np.array(range(len(D))), D else: n_bins = int(np.log(n) / np.log(base) + 1) logbin = np.unique( np.logspace(0, n_bins - 1, num=n_bins, base=base, dtype=int) ) logbin = np.insert(logbin, 0, 0) logbin[-1] = min(n, logbin[-1]) if n < logbin.shape[0]: print("Not enough bins. Increase logarithm base.") return np.array(range(len(D))), D logD = np.array( [ np.average(D[logbin[i - 1] : logbin[i]]) for i in range(1, len(logbin)) ] ) return logbin[:-1], logD
[docs]def despeckle_simple(B, th2=2, threads=1): """Single-chromosome despeckling Simple speckle removing function on a single chromomsome. It also works for multiple chromosomes but trends may be disrupted. Parameters ---------- B : scipy.sparse.csr The input matrix to despeckle, in sparse (csr) format. th2 : float The number of standard deviations above the mean beyond which despeckling should be performed threads : int The number of CPU processes on which the function can run in parallel. Returns ------- array_like The despeckled matrix, in the same format it was given. """ try: if B.getformat() != "csr": B = csr_matrix(B) except AttributeError: print("Error: You must provide a sparse matrix in csr format.") raise A = copy.copy(B) n1 = A.shape[0] medians = np.zeros(n1) stds = np.zeros(n1) # Faster structure for editing values A = lil_matrix(A) for u in range(n1): diag = B.diagonal(u) medians[u] = np.median(diag) stds[u] = np.std(diag) for nw in range(n1): diag = A.diagonal(nw) diag[diag > medians[nw] + th2 * stds[nw]] = medians[nw] A.setdiag(diag, nw) return csr_matrix(A)
[docs]def despeckle_local(M, stds=2, width=2): """Replace outstanding values (above stds standard deviations) in a matrix by the average of a surrounding window of desired width. """ N = np.array(M, dtype=np.float64) n, m = M.shape for i, j in itertools.product( range(width, n - width), range(width, m - width) ): square = M[i - width : i + width, j - width : j + width] avg = np.average(square) std = np.std(square) if M[i, j] >= avg + stds * std: N[i, j] = avg return (N + N.T) / 2
[docs]def bin_dense(M, subsampling_factor=3): """ Wraps the bin_sparse function to apply it on dense matrices. Bins are merged by groups of N to produce a lower resolution matrix. Parameters ---------- M : numpy.array 2D array containing the Hi-C contact map subsampling_factor : int The number of bins to include in each group (subsample). Returns ------- out_M : numpy.array The subsamples matrix, with a resolution lower than the input by a defined factor. """ S = coo_matrix(M) out_S = bin_sparse(S, subsampling_factor=subsampling_factor) out_M = out_S.todense() return out_M
[docs]def bin_sparse(M, subsampling_factor=3): """ Bins a sparse matrix by combining bins into groups of user defined size. Binsize is independent of genomic coordinates. Remaining rows and cols are put into a smaller bin at the end. Parameters ---------- M : scipy.sparse.coo_matrix The input Hi-C matrix in a sparse format. subsampling_factor : int The number of bins to include in each group (subsample). Returns ------- scipy.sparse.coo_matrix The subsamples matrix, with a resolution lower than the input by a defined factor. """ N = M.tocoo() n, m = N.shape row, col, data = N.row, N.col, # Divide row and column indices - duplicate coordinates are added in # sparse matrix construction remain_m = 0 if m % subsampling_factor == 0 else 1 remain_n = 0 if n % subsampling_factor == 0 else 1 binned_row = row // subsampling_factor binned_col = col // subsampling_factor binned_n = (n // subsampling_factor) + remain_n binned_m = (m // subsampling_factor) + remain_m # Sum data over duplicate entries binned = pd.DataFrame({"row": binned_row, "col": binned_col, "dat": data}) binned = binned.groupby(["row", "col"], sort=False).sum().reset_index() return coo_matrix( (binned.dat, (binned.row, binned.col)), shape=(binned_n, binned_m) )
[docs]def bin_matrix(M, subsampling_factor=3): """Bin either sparse or dense matrices. """ try: from scipy.sparse import issparse if issparse(M): return bin_sparse(M, subsampling_factor=subsampling_factor) else: raise ImportError except ImportError: return bin_dense(M, subsampling_factor=subsampling_factor)
[docs]def bin_annotation(annotation=None, subsampling_factor=3): """Perform binning on genome annotations such as contig information or bin positions. """ if annotation is None: annotation = np.array([]) n = len(annotation) binned_positions = [ annotation[i] for i in range(n) if i % subsampling_factor == 0 ] if len(binned_positions) == 0: binned_positions.append(0) return np.array(binned_positions)
[docs]def bin_measurement(measurement=None, subsampling_factor=3): """Perform binning on genome-wide measurements by summing each component in a window of variable size (subsampling_factor). """ subs = int(subsampling_factor) if measurement is None: measurement = np.array([]) n = len(measurement) binned_measurement = [ measurement[i - subs + 1 : i].sum() for i in range(n) if i % subs == 0 and i > 0 ] return np.array(binned_measurement)
[docs]def build_pyramid(M, subsampling_factor=3): """Iterate over a given number of times on matrix M so as to compute smaller and smaller matrices with bin_dense. """ subs = int(subsampling_factor) if subs < 1: raise ValueError( "Subsampling factor needs to be an integer greater than 1." ) N = [M] while min(N[-1].shape) > 1: N.append(bin_matrix(N[-1], subsampling_factor=subs)) return N
[docs]def bin_bp_dense(M, positions, bin_len=10000): """Perform binning with a fixed genomic length in base pairs on a dense matrix. Fragments will be binned such that their total length is closest to the specified input. If a contig list is specified, binning will be performed such that fragments never overlap two contigs. Fragments longer than bin size will not be split, which can result in larger bins. The last smaller bin of the chromosome will be merged with the previous one. Parameters ---------- M : 2D numpy array of ints or floats The Hi-C matrix to bin in dense format positions : numpy array of int List of 0-based basepair start positions of fragments bins bin_len : int Bin length in basepairs Returns ------- 2D numpy array of ints of floats : Binned matrix numpy array of ints : List of binned fragments positions in basepair """ # Just converting to sparse and passing to sparse function S = coo_matrix(M) out_S, out_pos = bin_bp_sparse(S, positions, bin_len=bin_len) out_M = out_S.todense() return out_M, out_pos
[docs]def bin_bp_sparse(M, positions, bin_len=10000): """ Perform binning with a fixed genomic length in base pairs on a sparse matrix. Fragments will be binned such that their total length is closest to the specified input. Binning will be performed such that fragments never overlap two contigs. Fragments longer than bin size will not be split, which can result in larger bins. The last smaller bin of the chromosome will be merged with the previous one. Parameters ---------- M : sparse numpy matrix Hi-C contact matrix in sparse format. positions : numpy array of ints Start positions of fragments in the matrix, in base pairs. bin_len : int Desired length of bins, in base pairs Returns ------- sparse scipy sparse coo_matrix: The binned sparse matrix in COO format. list of ints: The new bin start positions. """ r = M.tocoo() # Get fragments where new chromosome starts (positions reset) chromstart = np.where(positions == 0)[0] chromend = np.append(chromstart[1:], len(positions)) chromlen = chromend - chromstart # Assign a chromosome to each fragment chroms = np.repeat(range(len(chromlen)), chromlen) # Get binned positions positions = positions // bin_len frags = np.transpose(np.array([chroms, positions], dtype=np.int64)) # Keep track of index fragments frag_idx = range(frags.shape[0]) # Unique bin coordinates to create unique_bins = np.unique(frags, axis=0) # Check if some bins are missing (happens if a single # fragment should contain multiple bins) bins_jumps = (unique_bins[1:, 1] - unique_bins[:-1, 1]) - 1 # Compute number of missing bins to add (no restriction site in bin) missing_bins = np.where(bins_jumps > 0)[0] n_missing_bins = np.sum(bins_jumps[bins_jumps > 0]) # Compute correct number of bins to create n_bins = unique_bins.shape[0] + n_missing_bins # Initialise output fragment list (post binning) out_pos = np.zeros((n_bins, 1)) row = copy.copy(r.row) col = copy.copy(r.col) # unique_bin_No: Number of bins w/ unique restriction fragments # actual_bin_No: Number of bins in total (including missing ones # sharing the same fragment) unique_bin_No, actual_bin_No = 0, 0 # Match empty missing bins added with the original bin sharing # the same fragment added_bins = {} bin_per_frag = {} # Use (chr, bin) as grouping key (coord) and indices of fragments # belonging to current bin (bin_frags) for coords, bin_frags in itertools.groupby( frag_idx, lambda x: tuple(frags[x, :]) ): bin_frags = list(bin_frags) first_frag, last_frag = bin_frags[0], bin_frags[-1] + 1 # Pool row/col number by bin row[ np.where((r.row >= first_frag) & (r.row < last_frag)) ] = actual_bin_No col[ np.where((r.col >= first_frag) & (r.col < last_frag)) ] = actual_bin_No # Get bin position in basepair out_pos[actual_bin_No] = coords[1] * bin_len # Multiple bins to create in same fragment (rare) if unique_bin_No in missing_bins: # Number of basepairs to shift inside fragment for new bins curr_shift = 0 # Subsequent bins belong to same frag as this one orig_bin = copy.copy(actual_bin_No) # Shifting bin index (introducing empty bins) for each bin in same frag for _ in range(bins_jumps[unique_bin_No]): curr_shift += bin_len actual_bin_No += 1 # Remember bin coords and #bin /frag to fill contacts later added_bins[actual_bin_No] = orig_bin bin_per_frag[orig_bin] = bin_per_frag.get(unique_bin_No, 0) + 1 out_pos[actual_bin_No] = coords[1] * bin_len + curr_shift unique_bin_No += 1 actual_bin_No += 1 row[np.where(r.row >= last_frag)] = actual_bin_No - 1 col[np.where(r.col >= last_frag)] = actual_bin_No - 1 # Sum data of duplicate row/col pairs # (i.e. combine contacts of all fragments in same bin) binned = coo_matrix( (, (row, col)), shape=(actual_bin_No, actual_bin_No) ) binned.sum_duplicates() binned.eliminate_zeros() return (binned, out_pos)
[docs]def bin_exact_bp_dense(M, positions, bin_len=10000): """Perform the kb-binning procedure with total bin lengths being exactly set to that of the specified input. Fragments overlapping two potential bins will be split and related contact counts will be divided according Parameters ---------- to overlap proportions in each bin. M : 2D numpy array of ints or floats The Hi-C matrix to bin in dense format positions : numpy array of int List of basepair start positions of fragments bins bin_len : int Bin length in basepairs Returns ------- 2D numpy array of ints of floats : Binned matrix list : List of binned fragments """ units = positions / bin_len n = len(positions) idx = [ i for i in range(n - 1) if np.ceil(units[i]) < np.ceil(units[i + 1]) ] m = len(idx) - 1 N = np.zeros((m, m)) remainders = [0] + [np.abs(units[i] - units[i + 1]) for i in range(m)] for i in range(m): N[i] = np.array( [ ( M[idx[j] : idx[j + 1], idx[i] : idx[i + 1]].sum() - remainders[j] * M[i][j] + remainders[j + 1] * M[i + 1][j] ) for j in range(m) ] ) return N
[docs]def mad(M, axis=None): """ Computes median absolute deviation of matrix bins sums. Parameters ---------- M : scipy sparse coo_matrix Sparse matrix in COO format. axis: int Compute MAD on rows if 0, on columns if 1 or on all pixels if None. If axis is None, MAD is computed only on nonzero pixels. Returns ------- float: MAD estimator of matrix bin sums """ # Compute median on nonzero data values # otherwise, median is 0 if sufficiently sparse if axis is None: if issparse(M): r = M.tocoo() dist = else: dist = M else: if axis < 0: axis += 2 dist = np.array(M.sum(axis=axis, dtype=float)).flatten() return np.median(np.absolute(dist - np.median(dist)))
[docs]def get_good_bins(M, n_mad=2.0, s_min=None, s_max=None, symmetric=False): """ Filters out bins with outstanding sums using median and MAD of the log transformed distribution of bin sums. Only filters weak outlier bins unless `symmetric` is set to True. Parameters ---------- M : scipy sparse coo_matrix Input sparse matrix representing the Hi-C contact map. n_mad : float Minimum number of median absolut deviations around median in the bin sums distribution at which bins will be filtered out. s_min : float Optional fixed threshold value for bin sum below which bins should be filtered out. s_max: float Optional fixed threshold value for bin sum above which bins should be filtered out. symmetric : bool If set to true, filters out outliers on both sides of the distribution. Otherwise, only filters out bins on the left side (weak bins). Returns ------- numpy array of bool : A 1D numpy array whose length is the number of bins in the matrix and values indicate if bins values are within the acceptable range (1) or considered outliers (0). """ r = M.tocoo() with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): bins = sum_mat_bins(r) bins[bins == 0] = 1 norm = np.log10(bins) median = np.median(norm) sigma = 1.4826 * mad(norm) if s_min is None: s_min = median - n_mad * sigma if s_max is None: s_max = median + n_mad * sigma if symmetric: filter_bins = (norm > s_min) * (norm < s_max) else: filter_bins = norm > s_min return filter_bins
[docs]def trim_dense(M, n_mad=3, s_min=None, s_max=None): """By default, return a matrix stripped of component vectors whose sparsity (i.e. total contact count on a single column or row) deviates more than specified number of standard deviations from the mean. Boolean variables s_min and s_max act as absolute fixed values which override such behaviour when specified. Parameters ---------- M : 2D numpy array of floats Dense Hi-C contact matrix n_mad : int Minimum number of standard deviation by which a the sum of contacts in a component vector must deviate from the mean to be trimmed. s_min : float Fixed minimum value below which the component vectors will be trimmed. s_max : float Fixed maximum value above which the component vectors will be trimmed. Returns ------- numpy 2D array of floats : The input matrix, stripped of outlier component vectors. """ S = coo_matrix(M) S_out = trim_sparse(S, n_mad=n_mad, s_min=s_min, s_max=s_max) M_out = S_out.todense() return M_out
[docs]def trim_sparse(M, n_mad=3, s_min=None, s_max=None): """Apply the trimming procedure to a sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- M : scipy.sparse.coo_matrix Sparse Hi-C contact map n_mad : int Minimum number of median absolute deviations by which a the sum of contacts in a component vector must deviate from the median to be trimmed. s_min : float Fixed minimum value below which the component vectors will be trimmed. s_max : float Fixed maximum value above which the component vectors will be trimmed. Returns ------- scipy coo_matrix of floats : The input sparse matrix, stripped of outlier component vectors. """ r = M.tocoo() f = get_good_bins(M, n_mad, s_min, s_max) miss_bins = np.cumsum(1 - f) # Mapping pre- and post- trimming indices of bins, post = -1 means delete # Note: There is probably a more efficient way than a dictionary for that miss_map = {old: old - offset for old, offset in enumerate(miss_bins)} # Indices of cells that will be kept indices = np.where(f[r.row] & f[r.col]) # Remove sparse rows and shift indices accordingly rows = [miss_map[i] for i in r.row[indices]] cols = [miss_map[j] for j in r.col[indices]] data =[indices] size = max(max(rows, default=-1), max(cols, default=-1)) + 1 N = coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(size, size)) return N
[docs]def normalize_dense(M, norm="SCN", order=1, iterations=40): """Apply one of the many normalization types to input dense matrix. Will also apply any callable norms such as a user-made or a lambda function. NOTE: Legacy function for dense maps Parameters ---------- M : 2D numpy array of floats norm : str Normalization procedure to use. Can be one of "SCN", "mirnylib", "frag" or "global". Can also be a user- defined function. order : int Defines the type of vector norm to use. See numpy.linalg.norm for details. iterations : int Iterations parameter when using an iterative normalization procedure. Returns ------- 2D numpy array of floats : Normalized dense matrix. """ s = np.array(M, np.float64) floatorder = np.float64(order) if norm == "SCN": for _ in range(0, iterations): sumrows = s.sum(axis=1) maskrows = (sumrows != 0)[:, None] * (sumrows != 0)[None, :] sums_row = sumrows[:, None] * np.ones(sumrows.shape)[None, :] s[maskrows] = 1.0 * s[maskrows] / sums_row[maskrows] sumcols = s.sum(axis=0) maskcols = (sumcols != 0)[:, None] * (sumcols != 0)[None, :] sums_col = sumcols[None, :] * np.ones(sumcols.shape)[:, None] s[maskcols] = 1.0 * s[maskcols] / sums_col[maskcols] elif norm == "mirnylib": try: from mirnylib import numutils as ntls s = ntls.iterativeCorrection(s, iterations)[0] except ImportError as e: print(str(e)) print("I can't find mirnylib.") print( "Please install it from " "" ) print("I will use default norm as fallback.") return normalize_dense(M, order=order, iterations=iterations) elif norm == "frag": for _ in range(1, iterations): s_norm_x = np.linalg.norm(s, ord=floatorder, axis=0) s_norm_y = np.linalg.norm(s, ord=floatorder, axis=1) s_norm = np.tensordot(s_norm_x, s_norm_y, axes=0) s[s_norm != 0] = 1.0 * s[s_norm != 0] / s_norm[s_norm != 0] elif callable(norm): s = norm(M) else: raise Exception( 'Unknown norm, please specify one of ("mirnylib", "SCN", "frag")' ) return (s + s.T) / 2
[docs]def normalize_sparse(M, norm="SCN", iterations=40, n_mad=3.0): """Applies a normalization type to a sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- M : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix of floats norm : str or callable Normalization procedure to use. Can be one of "SCN" or "ICE". Can also be a user-defined function. iterations : int Iterations parameter when using an iterative normalization procedure. n_mad : float Maximum number of median absolute deviations of bin sums to allow for including bins in the normalization procedure. Bins more than `n_mad` mads below the median are excluded. Bins excluded from normalisation are set to 0. Returns ------- scipy.sparse.csr_matrix of floats : Normalized sparse matrix. """ # Making full symmetric matrix if not symmetric already (e.g. upper triangle) r = M.astype(np.float64) good_bins = get_good_bins(M, n_mad=n_mad) # Set values in non detectable bins to 0 # For faster masking of bins, mask bins using dot product with an identity # matrix where bad bins have been masked on the diagonal # E.g. if removing the second bin (row and column): # 1 0 0 9 6 5 1 0 0 9 0 5 # 0 0 0 X 6 8 7 X 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 # 0 0 1 6 7 8 0 0 1 6 0 8 mask_mat = sparse.eye(r.shape[0])[0][~good_bins] = 0 r = r = coo_matrix(r) r.eliminate_zeros() if norm == "ICE": # Row and col indices of each nonzero value in matrix row_indices, col_indices = r.nonzero() for _ in range(iterations): # Symmetric matrix: rows and cols have identical sums bin_sums = sum_mat_bins(r) # Normalize bin sums by the median sum of detectable bins for stability bin_sums /= np.median(bin_sums[good_bins]) # Divide each nonzero value by the product of the sums of # their respective rows and columns. /= bin_sums[row_indices] * bin_sums[col_indices] bin_sums = sum_mat_bins(r) # Scale to 1 = * (1 / np.median(bin_sums[good_bins])) elif norm == "SCN": # Similar to ICE, but division is done sequentially by row and then column # sums instead of using product. row_indices, col_indices = r.nonzero() for i in range(iterations): bin_sums = sum_mat_bins(r) /= bin_sums[row_indices] bin_sums = sum_mat_bins(r) /= bin_sums[col_indices] elif callable(norm): r = norm(M) else: raise Exception('Unknown norm, please specify one of ("ICE", "SCN")') return r
[docs]def sum_mat_bins(mat): """ Compute the sum of matrices bins (i.e. rows or columns) using only the upper triangle, assuming symmetrical matrices. Parameters ---------- mat : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix Contact map in sparse format, either in upper triangle or full matrix. Returns ------- numpy.array : 1D array of bin sums. """ # Equivalaent to row or col sum on a full matrix # Note: mat.sum returns a 'matrix' object. A1 extracts the 1D flat array # from the matrix return mat.sum(axis=0).A1 + mat.sum(axis=1).A1 - mat.diagonal(0)
[docs]def GC_partial(portion: str): """Manually compute GC content percentage in a DNA string, taking ambiguous values into account (according to standard IUPAC notation). Parameters ---------- portion : str DNA sequence on which GC content is computed. Returns ------- float : The percentage of GC in the input string. """ sequence_count = collections.Counter(portion) gc = ( sum([sequence_count[i] for i in "gGcCsS"]) + sum([sequence_count[i] for i in "DdHh"]) / 3.0 + 2 * sum([sequence_count[i] for i in "VvBb"]) / 3.0 + sum([sequence_count[i] for i in "NnYyRrKkMm"]) / 2.0 ) / len(portion) return 0 or 100 * gc
[docs]def GC_wide(genome: str, window=1000): """Compute GC across a window of given length. Parameters ---------- genome : str The genome on which GC content will be computed. window : int The window size in which GC content is measured. Note ---- Biopython is required. """ from Bio import SeqIO with open(genome) as handle: sequence = "".join( [str(record.seq) for record in SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta")] ) n = len(sequence) for i in range(0, n, window): portion = sequence[i : min(i + window, n)] yield GC_partial(portion)
[docs]def split_genome(genome, chunk_size=10000): """Split genome into chunks of fixed size (save the last one). """ chunks = [] from Bio import SeqIO with open(genome) as handle: for record in SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta"): sequence = record.seq n = len(sequence) chunks += [ str(sequence[i : min(i + chunk_size, n)]) for i in range(0, n, chunk_size) ] return np.array(chunks)
[docs]def directional(M, window=None, circ=False, extrapolate=True, log=True): """From a symmetrical matrix M of size n, return a vector d whose each component d[i] is a T-test of two samples represented by vectors of size window on either side of the i-th pixel on the diagonal. Edge elements may be extrapolated based on the vector size reduction, except in the case of circular genomes. If they aren't, d will be of size n - 2*(window-1) instead of n. """ # Sanity checks if not type(M) is np.ndarray: M = np.array(M) if M.shape[0] != M.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Matrix is not square.") try: n = min(M.shape) except AttributeError: n = M.size # Default window argument if window is None: window = max(n // 100, 5) if window >= n: raise ValueError("Please choose a smaller window size.") try: from scipy.stats import ttest_rel except ImportError as e: print("Scipy not") print(str(e)) raise if log: N = np.zeros((n, n)) N[M > 0] = np.log(M[M > 0]) else: N = M if circ: d = [ ttest_rel( np.array(list(N[i, i - window :]) + list(N[i, :i])), N[i, i : i + window], )[0] for i in range(window) ] elif extrapolate: d = [ttest_rel(N[i, 0:i], N[i, i : 2 * i])[0] for i in range(window)] else: d = [] d += [ ttest_rel(N[i, i - window : i], N[i, i : i + window])[0] for i in range(window, n - window) ] if circ: d += [ ttest_rel( N[i, i - window : i], np.array((list(N[i, : i - n + window]) + list(N[i, i:]))), )[0] for i in range(n - window, n) ] elif extrapolate: d += [ ttest_rel( N[i, i - window : i], (np.array(list(N[i, i:]) + list(N[i, : window - (n - i)]))), )[0] for i in range(n - window, n) ] return d
[docs]def domainogram(M, window=None, circ=False, extrapolate=True): """From a symmetrical matrix M of size n, return a vector d whose each component d[i] is the total sum of a square of 2*window+1 size centered on the i-th main diagonal element. Edge elements may be extrapolated based on the square size reduction (i.e. for window = 4, the first component will be equal to the first diagonal pixel multiplied by 81, the second one will be equal to the first 2x2 square on the diagonal multiplied by 81/4, etc.), except in the case of circular genomes. If they aren't, d will be of size n - 2*(window-1) instead of n. """ # Sanity checks if not type(M) is np.ndarray: M = np.array(M) if M.shape[0] != M.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Matrix is not square.") try: n = min(M.shape) except AttributeError: n = M.size # Default window argument if window is None: window = max(n // 100, 5) if window >= n: raise ValueError("Please choose a smaller window size.") if circ: d = [ ( np.sum(M[-i + window :, -i + window :]) + np.sum(M[: i - window + 1, : i - window + 1]) for i in range(window) ) ] elif extrapolate: d = [ ( np.sum(M[0 : 2 * i + 1, 0 : 2 * i + 1]) * ((2 * window + 1) ** 2.0) / ((2 * i + 1) ** 2.0) ) for i in range(window) ] else: d = [] d += [ np.sum(M[i - window : i + window + 1, i - window : i + window + 1]) for i in range(window, n - window) ] if circ: d += [ M[i:, i:].sum() + M[: n - i, n - i].sum() for i in range(n - window, n) ] elif extrapolate: d += [ M[i - window :, i - window :].sum() * ((2 * window + 1) ** 2.0) / ((2 * (n - i) + 1) ** 2.0) for i in range(n - window, n) ] return np.array(d)
[docs]def from_structure(structure): """Return contact data from a 3D structure (in pdb format). """ try: from Bio import PDB if isinstance(structure, str): p = PDB.PDBParser() structure = p.get_structure("S", structure) if isinstance(structure, PDB.Structure.Structure): for _ in structure.get_chains(): atoms = [ np.array(atom.get_coord()) for atom in structure.get_atoms() ] except ImportError: print("Biopython not found.") raise atoms = np.array(structure) try: import scipy D = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(atoms, "euclidean") D = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(D) except ImportError: print("Scipy not found.") raise m = np.max(1 / D[D != 0]) M = np.zeros(D.shape) M[D != 0] = 1 / D[D != 0] M[D == 0] = m return M
[docs]def largest_connected_component(matrix): """Compute the adjacency matrix of the largest connected component of the graph whose input matrix is adjacent. """ try: import scipy.sparse n, components = scipy.sparse.csgraph.connected_components( matrix, directed=False ) print("I found " + str(n) + " connected components.") component_dist = collections.Counter(components) print("Distribution of components: " + str(component_dist)) most_common, _ = component_dist.most_common(1)[0] ilcc = components == most_common return matrix[:, ilcc][ilcc] except ImportError as e: print("I couldn't find scipy which is needed for graph routines.") print(str(e)) print("Returning input matrix as fallback.") return matrix
[docs]def to_structure(matrix, alpha=1): """Compute best matching 3D genome structure from underlying input matrix using ShRec3D-derived method from Lesne et al., 2014. Link: The method performs two steps: first compute distance matrix by treating contact data as an adjacency graph (of weights equal to a power law function of the data), then embed the resulting distance matrix into 3D space. The alpha parameter influences the weighting of contacts: if alpha < 1 long-range interactions are prioritized; if alpha >> 1 short-range interactions have more weight wahen computing the distance matrix. """ connected = largest_connected_component(matrix) distances = to_distance(connected, alpha) n, m = connected.shape bary = np.sum(np.triu(distances, 1)) / (n ** 2) # barycenters d = np.array(np.sum(distances ** 2, 0) / n - bary) # distances to origin gram = np.array( [ (d[i] + d[j] - distances[i][j] ** 2) / 2 for i, j in itertools.product(range(n), range(m)) ] ).reshape(n, m) normalized = gram / np.linalg.norm(gram, "fro") try: symmetric = np.array( (normalized + normalized.T) / 2, dtype=np.longfloat ) # just in case except AttributeError: symmetric = np.array((normalized + normalized.T) / 2) from scipy import linalg eigen_values, eigen_vectors = linalg.eigh(symmetric) if not (eigen_values >= 0).all(): warnings.warn("Negative eigen values were found.") idx = eigen_values.argsort()[-3:][::-1] values = eigen_values[idx] vectors = eigen_vectors[:, idx] coordinates = vectors * np.sqrt(values) return coordinates
[docs]def get_missing_bins(original, trimmed): """Retrieve indices of a trimmed matrix with respect to the original matrix. Fairly fast but is only correct if diagonal values are different, which is always the case in practice. """ original_diag = np.diag(original) trimmed_diag = np.diag(trimmed) index = [] m = min(original.shape) for j in range(min(trimmed.shape)): k = 0 while original_diag[j + k] != trimmed_diag[j] and k < 2 * m: k += 1 index.append(k + j) return np.array(index)
[docs]def to_pdb( structure, filename, contigs=None, annotations=None, indices=None, special_bins=None, ): """From a structure (or matrix) generate the corresponding pdb file representing each chain as a contig/chromosome and filling the occupancy field with a custom annotation. If the matrix has been trimmed somewhat, remaining indices may be specified. """ n = len(structure) letters = ( string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + string.punctuation ) * int(n / 94 + 1) if contigs is None: contigs = np.ones(n + 1) if annotations is None: annotations = np.zeros(n + 1) if indices is None: indices = range(n + 1) if special_bins is None: special_bins = np.zeros(n + 1, dtype=int) structure_shapes_match = structure.shape[0] == structure.shape[1] if isinstance(structure, np.ndarray) and structure_shapes_match: structure = to_structure(structure) X, Y, Z = (structure[:, i] for i in range(3)) Xmax, Ymax, Zmax = (np.max(np.abs(Xi)) for Xi in (X, Y, Z)) X *= 100.0 / Xmax Y *= 100.0 / Ymax Z *= 100.0 / Zmax X = np.around(X, 3) Y = np.around(Y, 3) Z = np.around(Z, 3) reference = ["OW", "OW", "CE", "TE", "tR"] with open(filename, "w") as f: for i in range(1, n): line = "ATOM" # 1-4 "ATOM" line += " " # 5-6 unused line += str(i).rjust(5) # 7-11 atom serial number line += " " # 12 unused line += reference[special_bins[i]].rjust(4) # 13-16 atom name line += " " # 17 alternate location indicator line += "SOL" # 18-20 residue name line += " " # 21 unused line += letters[ int(contigs[indices[i]] - 1) ] # 22 chain identifier line += str(i).rjust(4) # 23-26 residue sequence number line += " " # 27 code for insertion of residues line += " " # 28-30 unused line += str(X[i]).rjust(8) # 31-38 X orthogonal Ã… coordinate line += str(Y[i]).rjust(8) # 39-46 Y orthogonal Ã… coordinate line += str(Z[i]).rjust(8) # 47-54 Z orthogonal Ã… coordinate line += "1.00".rjust(6) # 55-60 Occupancy # 61-66 Temperature factor line += str(annotations[i - 1]).rjust(6) line += " " # 67-72 unused line += " " # 73-76 segment identifier line += "O".rjust(2) # 77-78 element symbol line += "\n" f.write(line)
[docs]def matrix_to_pdb( matrix, filename, contigs=None, annotations=None, indices=None, special_bins=None, alpha=1, ): """Convert a matrix to a PDB file, shortcutting the intermediary generated structure. """ to_pdb( to_structure(matrix, alpha=alpha), filename=filename, contigs=contigs, annotations=annotations, indices=indices, special_bins=special_bins, )
[docs]def to_distance(matrix, alpha=1): """Compute distance matrix from contact data by applying a negative power law (alpha) to its nonzero pixels, then interpolating on the zeroes using a shortest-path algorithm. """ matrix = np.array(matrix) try: import scipy.sparse except ImportError as e: print("Scipy not found.") print(str(e)) raise if callable(alpha): distance_function = alpha else: try: a = np.float64(alpha) def distance_function(x): return 1 / (x ** (1 / a)) except TypeError: print("Alpha parameter must be callable or an array-like") raise if hasattr(matrix, "getformat"): distances = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(matrix) = distance_function( else: distances = np.zeros(matrix.shape) distances[matrix != 0] = distance_function(1 / matrix[matrix != 0]) return scipy.sparse.csgraph.floyd_warshall(distances, directed=False)
[docs]def distance_to_contact(D, alpha=1): """Compute contact matrix from input distance matrix. Distance values of zeroes are given the largest contact count otherwise inferred non-zero distance values. """ if callable(alpha): distance_function = alpha else: try: a = np.float64(alpha) def distance_function(x): return 1 / (x ** (1 / a)) except TypeError: print("Alpha parameter must be callable or an array-like") raise except ZeroDivisionError: raise ValueError("Alpha parameter must be non-zero") m = np.max(distance_function(D[D != 0])) M = np.zeros(D.shape) M[D != 0] = distance_function(D[D != 0]) M[D == 0] = m return M
[docs]def subsample_contacts(M, n_contacts): """Bootstrap sampling of contacts in a sparse Hi-C map. Parameters ---------- M : scipy.sparse.coo_matrix The input Hi-C contact map in sparse format. n_contacts : float The number of contacts to be sampled if larger than one. The proportion of contacts to be sampled if between 0 and 1. Returns ------- scipy.sparse.coo_matrix A new matrix with a fraction of the original contacts. """ try: if n_contacts <= 1 and n_contacts > 0: n_contacts *= elif n_contacts < 0: logger.error("n_contacts must be strictly positive") except ValueError as e: logger.error("n_contacts must be a float") raise e S = # Match cell idx to cumulative number of contacts cum_counts = np.cumsum(S) # Total number of contacts to sample tot_contacts = int(cum_counts[-1]) # Sample desired number of contacts from the range(0, n_contacts) array sampled_contacts = np.random.choice( int(tot_contacts), size=int(n_contacts), replace=False ) # Get indices of sampled contacts in the cum_counts array idx = np.searchsorted(cum_counts, sampled_contacts, side="right") # Bin those indices to the same dimensions as matrix data to get counts sampled_counts = np.bincount(idx, minlength=S.shape[0]) # Get nonzero values to build new sparse matrix nnz_mask = sampled_counts > 0 sampled_counts = sampled_counts[nnz_mask].astype(np.float64) sampled_rows = M.row[nnz_mask] sampled_cols = M.col[nnz_mask] return coo_matrix( (sampled_counts, (sampled_rows, sampled_cols)), shape=(M.shape[0], M.shape[1]), )
[docs]def shortest_path_interpolation(matrix, alpha=1, strict=True): """Perform interpolation on a matrix's data by using ShRec's shortest-path procedure backwards and forwards. This replaces zeroes with corresponding shortest-path based counts and may have the additional effect of 'blurring' the matrix somewhat. If strict is set to True, only zeroes are replaced this way. Also known as Boost-Hi-C ( """ matrix = np.array(matrix, np.float64) contacts = distance_to_contact( to_distance(matrix, alpha=alpha), alpha=alpha ) if not strict: return contacts else: M = np.copy(matrix) M[matrix == 0] = contacts[matrix == 0] return M
[docs]def pdb_to_structure(filename): """Import a structure object from a PDB file. """ try: from Bio import PDB except ImportError: print("I can't import Biopython which is needed to handle PDB files.") raise p = PDB.PDBParser() structure = p.get_structure("S", filename) for _ in structure.get_chains(): atoms = [np.array(atom.get_coord()) for atom in structure.get_atoms()] return atoms
[docs]def noise(matrix): """Just a quick function to make a matrix noisy using a standard Poisson distribution (contacts are treated as rare events). """ D = shortest_path_interpolation(matrix, strict=True) return np.random.poisson(lam=D)
[docs]def flatten_positions_to_contigs(positions): """Flattens and converts a positions array to a contigs array, if applicable. """ if isinstance(positions, np.ndarray): flattened_positions = positions.flatten() else: try: flattened_positions = np.array( [pos for contig in positions for pos in contig] ) except TypeError: flattened_positions = np.array(positions) if (np.diff(positions) == 0).any() and not (0 in set(positions)): warnings.warn("I detected identical consecutive nonzero values.") return positions n = len(flattened_positions) contigs = np.ones(n) counter = 0 for i in range(1, n): if positions[i] == 0: counter += 1 contigs[i] += counter else: contigs[i] = contigs[i - 1] return contigs
[docs]def simple_distance_diagonal_law(matrix, circular=False): if not circular: n = len(matrix) return np.array([np.average(np.diagonal(matrix, j)) for j in range(n)]) else: n = len(matrix) return [ ( np.average(np.diagonal(matrix, j)) + np.average(np.diagonal(matrix, n - j)) ) / 2.0 for j in range(n) ]
[docs]def distance_diagonal_law(matrix, positions=None, circular=False): """Compute a distance law trend using the contact averages of equal distances. Specific positions can be supplied if needed. """ n = min(matrix.shape) if positions is None: return simple_distance_diagonal_law(matrix, circular=circular) else: contigs = positions_to_contigs(positions) def is_intra(i, j): return contigs[i] == contigs[j] max_intra_distance = max((len(contigs == u) for u in set(contigs))) intra_contacts = [] inter_contacts = [ np.average(np.diagonal(matrix, j)) for j in range(max_intra_distance, n) ] for j in range(max_intra_distance): D = np.diagonal(matrix, j) for i in range(len(D)): diagonal_intra = [] if is_intra(i, j): diagonal_intra.append(D[i]) # else: # diagonal_inter.append(D[i]) # inter_contacts.append(np.average(np.array(diagonal_inter))) intra_contacts.append(np.average(np.array(diagonal_intra))) intra_contacts.extend(inter_contacts) return [positions, np.array(intra_contacts)]
[docs]def rippe_parameters(matrix, positions, lengths=None, init=None, circ=False): """Estimate parameters from the model described in Rippe et al., 2001. """ n, _ = matrix.shape if lengths is None: lengths = np.abs(np.diff(positions)) measurements, bins = [], [] for i in range(n): for j in range(1, i): mean_length = (lengths[i] + lengths[j]) / 2.0 if positions[i] < positions[j]: d = ( (positions[j] - positions[i] - lengths[i]) + mean_length ) / 1000.0 else: d = ( (positions[i] - positions[j] - lengths[j]) + mean_length ) / 1000.0 bins.append(np.abs(d)) measurements.append(matrix[i, j]) parameters = estimate_param_rippe(measurements, bins, init=init, circ=circ) print(parameters) return parameters[0]
[docs]def estimate_param_rippe(measurements, bins, init=None, circ=False): """Perform least square optimization needed for the rippe_parameters function. """ # Init values DEFAULT_INIT_RIPPE_PARAMETERS = [1.0, 9.6, -1.5] d = 3.0 def log_residuals(p, y, x): kuhn, lm, slope, A = p rippe = ( np.log(A) + np.log(0.53) - 3 * np.log(kuhn) + slope * (np.log(lm * x) - np.log(kuhn)) + (d - 2) / ((np.power((lm * x / kuhn), 2) + d)) ) err = y - rippe return err def peval(x, param): if circ: l_cont = x.max() n = param[1] * x / param[0] n0 = param[1] * x[0] / param[0] n_l = param[1] * l_cont / param[0] s = n * (n_l - n) / n_l s0 = n0 * (n_l - n0) / n_l norm_lin = param[3] * ( 0.53 * (param[0] ** -3.0) * np.power(n0, (param[2])) * np.exp((d - 2) / ((np.power(n0, 2) + d))) ) norm_circ = param[3] * ( 0.53 * (param[0] ** -3.0) * np.power(s0, (param[2])) * np.exp((d - 2) / ((np.power(s0, 2) + d))) ) rippe = ( param[3] * ( 0.53 * (param[0] ** -3.0) * np.power(s, (param[2])) * np.exp((d - 2) / ((np.power(s, 2) + d))) ) * norm_lin / norm_circ ) else: rippe = param[3] * ( 0.53 * (param[0] ** -3.0) * np.power((param[1] * x / param[0]), (param[2])) * np.exp( (d - 2) / ((np.power((param[1] * x / param[0]), 2) + d)) ) ) return rippe if init is None: init = DEFAULT_INIT_RIPPE_PARAMETERS A = np.sum(measurements) p0 = (p for p in init), A from scipy.optimize import leastsq plsq = leastsq(log_residuals, p0, args=(np.log(measurements), bins)) y_estim = peval(bins, plsq[0]) kuhn_x, lm_x, slope_x, A_x = plsq[0] plsq_out = [kuhn_x, lm_x, slope_x, d, A_x] np_plsq = np.array(plsq_out) if np.any(np.isnan(np_plsq)) or slope_x >= 0: warnings.warn("Problem in parameters estimation") plsq_out = p0 return plsq_out, y_estim
[docs]def null_model( matrix, positions=None, lengths=None, model="uniform", noisy=False, circ=False, sparsity=False, ): """Attempt to compute a 'null model' of the matrix given a model to base itself on. """ n, m = matrix.shape positions_supplied = True if positions is None: positions = range(n) positions_supplied = False if lengths is None: lengths = np.diff(positions) N = np.copy(matrix) contigs = np.array(positions_to_contigs(positions)) def is_inter(i, j): return contigs[i] != contigs[j] diagonal = np.diag(matrix) if model == "uniform": if positions_supplied: trans_contacts = np.array( [ matrix[i, j] for i, j in itertools.product(range(n), range(m)) if is_inter(i, j) ] ) mean_trans_contacts = np.average(trans_contacts) else: mean_trans_contacts = np.average(matrix) - diagonal / len(diagonal) N = np.random.poisson(lam=mean_trans_contacts, size=(n, m)) np.fill_diagonal(N, diagonal) elif model == "distance": distances = distance_diagonal_law(matrix, positions) N = np.array( [ [distances[min(abs(i - j), n)] for i in range(n)] for j in range(n) ] ) elif model == "rippe": trans_contacts = np.array( [ matrix[i, j] for i, j in itertools.product(range(n), range(m)) if is_inter(i, j) ] ) mean_trans_contacts = np.average(trans_contacts) kuhn, lm, slope, d, A = rippe_parameters(matrix, positions, circ=circ) def jc(s, frag): dist = s - circ * (s ** 2) / lengths[frag] computed_contacts = ( 0.53 * A * (kuhn ** (-3.0)) * (dist ** slope) * np.exp((d - 2) / (dist + d)) ) return np.maximum(computed_contacts, mean_trans_contacts) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): if not is_inter(i, j) and i != j: posi, posj = positions[i], positions[j] N[i, j] = jc(np.abs(posi - posj) * lm / kuhn, frag=j) else: N[i, j] = mean_trans_contacts if sparsity: contact_sum = matrix.sum(axis=0) n = len(contact_sum) try: from Bio.Statistics import lowess trend = lowess.lowess( np.array(range(n), dtype=np.float64), contact_sum, f=0.03 ) except ImportError: expected_size = int(np.amax(contact_sum) / np.average(contact_sum)) w = min(max(expected_size, 20), 100) trend = np.array( [np.average(contact_sum[i : min(i + w, n)]) for i in range(n)] ) cov_score = np.sqrt((trend - np.average(trend)) / np.std(trend)) N = ((N * cov_score).T) * cov_score if noisy: if callable(noisy): noise_function = noisy return noise_function(N) else: return N
[docs]def model_norm( matrix, positions=None, lengths=None, model="uniform", circ=False ): N = null_model( matrix, positions, lengths, model, noisy=False, circ=circ, sparsity=True, ) return matrix / shortest_path_interpolation(N, strict=True)
[docs]def trim_structure(struct, filtering="cube", n=2): """Remove outlier 'atoms' (aka bins) from a structure. """ X, Y, Z = (struct[:, i] for i in range(3)) if filtering == "sphere": R = (np.std(X) ** 2 + np.std(Y) ** 2 + np.std(Z) ** 2) * (n ** 2) f = (X - np.mean(X)) ** 2 + (Y - np.mean(Y)) ** 2 + ( Z - np.mean(Z) ) ** 2 < R if filtering == "cube": R = min(np.std(X), np.std(Y), np.std(Z)) * n f = np.ones(len(X)) for C in (X, Y, Z): f *= np.abs(C - np.mean(C)) < R if filtering == "percentile": f = np.ones(len(X)) for C in (X, Y, Z): f *= np.abs(C - np.mean(C)) < np.percentile( np.abs(C - np.mean(C)), n ) return np.array([X[f], Y[f], Z[f]])
[docs]def scalogram(M, circ=False, max_range=False): """Computes so-called 'scalograms' used to easily visualize contacts at different distance scales. Edge cases have been painstakingly taken care of. Parameters ---------- M1 : array_like The input contact map circ : bool Whether the contact map's reference genome is circular. Default is False. max_range : bool or int The maximum scale to be computed on the matrix. Default is False, which means the maximum possible range (len(M) // 2) will be taken. Returns ------- N : array_like The output scalogram. Values that can't be computed due to edge issues, or being beyond max_range will be zero. In a non-circular matrix, this will result with a 'cone-shaped' contact map. """ # Sanity checks if not type(M) is np.ndarray: M = np.array(M) if M.shape[0] != M.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Matrix is not square.") try: n = min(M.shape) except AttributeError: n = len(M) N = np.zeros(M.shape) if not max_range: max_range = M.shape[0] // 2 for i in range(n): for j in range(max_range): if i + j < n and i >= j: N[i, j] = M[i, i - j : i + j + 1].sum() elif not circ and i + j < n and i < j: N[i, j] = M[i, i : i + j + 1].sum() * 2 elif not circ and i + j >= n: N[i, j] = M[i, i - j : i + 1].sum() * 2 elif circ and i + j < n and i < j: N[i, j] = M[i, i - j :].sum() + M[i, : i + j + 1].sum() elif circ and i >= j and i + j >= n: N[i, j] = M[i, i - j :].sum() + M[i, : i + j - n + 1].sum() elif circ and i < j and i + j >= n: N[i, j] = ( M[i, i - j :].sum() + M[i, :].sum() + M[i, : i + j - n + 1].sum() ) return N
[docs]def asd(M1, M2): """Compute a Fourier transform based distance between two matrices. Inspired from Galiez et al., 2015 ( Parameters ---------- M1 : array_like The first (normalized) input matrix. M2 : array_like The second (normalized) input matrix Returns ------- asd : numpy.float64 The matrix distance """ from scipy.fftpack import fft2 spectra1 = np.abs(fft2(M1)) spectra2 = np.abs(fft2(M2)) return np.linalg.norm(spectra2 - spectra1)
[docs]def compartments(M, normalize=True): """A/B compartment analysis Perform a PCA-based A/B compartment analysis on a normalized, single chromosome contact map. The results are two vectors whose values (negative or positive) should presumably correlate with the presence of 'active' vs. 'inert' chromatin. Parameters ---------- M : array_like The input, normalized contact map. Must be a single chromosome. normalize : bool Whether to normalize the matrix beforehand. Returns ------- PC1 : numpy.ndarray A vector representing the first component. PC2 : numpy.ndarray A vector representing the second component. """ n = M.shape[0] if type(M) is not np.ndarray: M = np.array(M) if M.shape[0] != M.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Matrix is not square.") if normalize: N = normalize_dense(M) else: N = np.copy(M) # Computation of genomic distance law matrice: dist_mat = np.zeros((n, n)) _, dist_vals = distance_law_from_mat(N, log_bins=False) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): dist_mat[i, j] = dist_vals[abs(j - i)] N /= dist_mat # Computation of the correlation matrice: N = np.corrcoef(N) N[np.isnan(N)] = 0.0 # Computation of eigen vectors: (eig_val, eig_vec) = eig(N) PC1 = eig_vec[:, 0] PC2 = eig_vec[:, 1] return PC1, PC2
[docs]def corrcoef_sparse(A, B=None): """ Computes correlation coefficient on sparse matrices Parameters ---------- A : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix The matrix on which to compute the correlation. B: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix An optional second matrix. If provided, the correlation between A and B is computed. Returns ------- scipy.sparse.csr_matrix The correlation matrix. """ M = A.copy() if B is not None: M = sparse.vstack((A, B), format="csr") A = A.astype(np.float64) n = A.shape[1] # Compute the covariance matrix rowsum = A.sum(axis=1) centering = / n C = ( - coo_matrix(centering)) / (n - 1) d = C.diagonal() coeffs = C / np.sqrt(np.outer(d, d)) return coeffs
[docs]def compartments_sparse(M, normalize=True): """A/B compartment analysis Performs a detrending of the power law followed by a PCA-based A/B compartment analysis on a sparse, normalized, single chromosome contact map. The results are two vectors whose values (negative or positive) should presumably correlate with the presence of 'active' vs. 'inert' chromatin. Parameters ---------- M : array_like The input, normalized contact map. Must be a single chromosome. Values are assumed to be only the upper triangle of a symmetrix matrix. normalize : bool Whether to normalize the matrix beforehand. mask : array of bool An optional boolean mask indicating which bins should be used Returns ------- pr_comp : numpy.ndarray An array containing the N first principal component """ if normalize: N = normalize_sparse(M, norm="SCN") else: N = copy.copy(M) N = N.tocoo() # Detrend by the distance law dist_bins, dist_vals = distance_law_from_mat(N, log_bins=False) /= dist_vals[abs(N.row - N.col)] N = N.tocsr() # Make matrix symmetric (in case of upper triangle) if (abs(N - N.T) > 1e-10).nnz != 0: N = N + N.T N.setdiag(N.diagonal() / 2) N.eliminate_zeros() # Compute covariance matrix on full matrix N = N.tocsr() N = corrcoef_sparse(N) N[np.isnan(N)] = 0.0 # Extract eigen vectors and eigen values [eigen_vals, pr_comp] = eig(N) return pr_comp[:, 0], pr_comp[:, 1]
[docs]def remove_intra(M, contigs, mask): """Remove intrachromosomal contacts Given a contact map and a list attributing each position to a given chromosome, set all contacts within each chromosome or contig to zero. Useful to perform calculations on interchromosomal contacts only. Parameters ---------- M : array_like The initial contact map contigs : list or array_like A 1D array whose value at index i reflect the contig label of the row i in the matrix M. The length of the array must be equal to the (identical) shape value of the matrix. Returns ------- N : numpy.ndarray The output contact map with no intrachromosomal contacts """ N = np.copy(M) n = len(N) assert n == len(contigs) # Naive implmentation for now for (i, j) in itertools.product(range(n), range(n)): if contigs[i] == contigs[j]: N[i, j] = 0 return N
[docs]def remove_inter(M, contigs): """Remove interchromosomal contacts Given a contact map and a list attributing each position to a given chromosome, set all contacts between each chromosome or contig to zero. Useful to perform calculations on intrachromosomal contacts only. Parameters ---------- M : array_like The initial contact map contigs : list or array_like A 1D array whose value at index i reflect the contig label of the row i in the matrix M. The length of the array must be equal to the (identical) shape value of the matrix. Returns ------- N : numpy.ndarray The output contact map with no interchromosomal contacts """ N = np.copy(M) n = len(N) assert n == len(contigs) # Naive implmentation for now for (i, j) in itertools.product(range(n), range(n)): if contigs[i] != contigs[j]: N[i, j] = 0 return N
[docs]def positions_to_contigs(positions): """Label contigs according to relative positions Given a list of positions, return an ordered list of labels reflecting where the positions array started over (and presumably a new contig began). Parameters ---------- positions : list or array_like A piece-wise ordered list of integers representing positions Returns ------- contig_labels : numpy.ndarray The list of contig labels """ contig_labels = np.zeros_like(positions) contig_index = 0 for i, p in enumerate(positions): if p == 0: contig_index += 1 contig_labels[i] = contig_index return contig_labels
[docs]def contigs_to_positions(contigs, binning=10000): """Build positions from contig labels From a list of contig labels and a binning parameter, build a list of positions that's essentially a concatenation of linspaces with step equal to the binning. Parameters ---------- contigs : list or array_like The list of contig labels, must be sorted. binning : int, optional The step for the list of positions. Default is 10000. Returns ------- positions : numpy.ndarray The piece-wise sorted list of positions """ positions = np.zeros_like(contigs) index = 0 for _, chunk in itertools.groupby(contigs): l = len(chunk) positions[index : index + l] = np.arange(list(chunk)) * binning index += l return positions
[docs]def split_matrix(M, contigs): """Split multiple chromosome matrix Split a labeled matrix with multiple chromosomes into unlabeled single-chromosome matrices. Inter chromosomal contacts are discarded. Parameters ---------- M : array_like The multiple chromosome matrix to be split contigs : list or array_like The list of contig labels """ index = 0 for _, chunk in itertools.groupby(contigs): l = len(chunk) yield M[index : index + l, index : index + l] index += l
[docs]def distance_law( size, prefactor=10000, gamma1=-0.5, gamma2=-1.5, inter=0.01, transition=None, ): """Generate a theoretical matrix from the usual P(s) model with two exponents for short-scale and large-scale modes and a sigmoid to represent the transition inbetween. Parameters ---------- size : int Size of the matrix (which will be of shape (size, size)) prefactor : float Prefactor that's analogous to the coverage, by default 10000 gamma1 : float, optional Exponent for the short-scale mode, by default -0.5 gamma2 : float, optional Exponent for the large-scale mode, by default -1.5 inter : float, optional Value for inter-chromosomal contacts that also represents the minimum value for intra-chromosomal contacts, by default 0.01 transition : int, optional Coordinate of the transition between scale modes, by default 1/10 of the size Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A symmetrical Toeplitz matrix whose each diagonal represents a value of the P(s) model """ if transition is None: transition = size // 10 def P(s, A=10000, gamma=-0.5, inter=0.01): return np.fmax(inter, A * (s ** gamma)) P1 = functools.partial(P, gamma=gamma1) P2 = functools.partial(P, gamma=gamma2) def sigmoid(s, a=transition): # ad hoc function to smoothen the transition return 1.0 / (1 + np.exp(-(s - transition) / a)) s = np.arange( 1, size + 1 ) # Don't start from 0 to avoid weirdness and NaNs return toeplitz((1 - sigmoid(s)) * P1(s) + sigmoid(s) * P2(s))