Source code for hicstuff.digest

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8

"""Genome digestion

Functions used to write auxiliary instagraal compatible
sparse matrices.

from Bio import SeqIO, SeqUtils
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.Restriction import RestrictionBatch, Analysis
import os, sys, csv
import re
import collections
import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from hicstuff.log import logger
import as hio

DEFAULT_SPARSE_MATRIX_FILE_NAME = "abs_fragments_contacts_weighted.txt"
# Most used enzyme for eukaryotes
# If using evenly-sized chunks instead of restriction
# enzymes, they shouldn't be too short

[docs]def write_frag_info( fasta, enzyme, min_size=DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_SIZE, circular=False, output_contigs=DEFAULT_INFO_CONTIGS_FILE_NAME, output_frags=DEFAULT_FRAGMENTS_LIST_FILE_NAME, output_dir=None, ): """Digest and write fragment information Write the fragments_list.txt and info_contigs.txt that are necessary for instagraal to run. Parameters ---------- fasta : pathlib.Path or str The path to the reference genome enzyme : str, int or list of str If a string, must be the name of an enzyme (e.g. DpnII) and the genome will be cut at the enzyme's restriction sites. If a number, the genome will be cut uniformly into chunks with length equal to that number. A list of enzymes can also be specified if using multiple enzymes. min_size : float, optional Size below which shorter contigs are discarded. Default is 0, i.e. all contigs are retained. circular : bool, optional Whether the genome is circular. Default is False. output_contigs : str, optional The name of the file with contig info. Default is info_contigs.txt output_frags : str, optional The name of the file with fragment info. Default is fragments_list.txt output_dir : [type], optional The path to the output directory, which will be created if not already existing. Default is the current directory. """ records = SeqIO.parse(hio.read_compressed(fasta), "fasta") try: info_contigs_path = os.path.join(output_dir, output_contigs) frag_list_path = os.path.join(output_dir, output_frags) except TypeError: info_contigs_path = output_contigs frag_list_path = output_frags with open(info_contigs_path, "w") as info_contigs: info_contigs.write("contig\tlength\tn_frags\tcumul_length\n") with open(frag_list_path, "w") as fragments_list: fragments_list.write( "id\tchrom\tstart_pos" "\tend_pos\tsize\tgc_content\n" ) total_frags = 0 for record in records: contig_seq = record.seq contig_name = contig_length = len(contig_seq) if contig_length < int(min_size): continue sites = get_restriction_table( contig_seq, enzyme, circular=circular ) fragments = ( contig_seq[sites[i] : sites[i + 1]] for i in range(len(sites) - 1) ) n_frags = 0 current_id = 1 start_pos = 0 for frag in fragments: frag_length = len(frag) if frag_length > 0: end_pos = start_pos + frag_length gc_content = SeqUtils.GC(frag) / 100.0 current_fragment_line = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % ( current_id, contig_name, start_pos, end_pos, frag_length, gc_content, ) fragments_list.write(current_fragment_line) try: assert (current_id == 1 and start_pos == 0) or ( current_id > 1 and start_pos > 0 ) except AssertionError: logger.error((current_id, start_pos)) raise start_pos = end_pos current_id += 1 n_frags += 1 current_contig_line = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % ( contig_name, contig_length, n_frags, total_frags, ) total_frags += n_frags info_contigs.write(current_contig_line)
[docs]def attribute_fragments(pairs_file, idx_pairs_file, restriction_table): """ Writes the indexed pairs file, which has two more columns than the input pairs file corresponding to the restriction fragment index of each read. Note that pairs files have 1bp point positions whereas restriction table has 0bp point poisitions. Parameters ---------- pairs_file: str Path the the input pairs file. Consists of 7 tab-separated columns: readID, chr1, pos1, chr2, pos2, strand1, strand2 idx_pairs_file: str Path to the output indexed pairs file. Consists of 9 white space separated columns: readID, chr1, pos1, chr2, pos2, strand1, strand2, frag1, frag2. frag1 and frag2 are 0-based restriction fragments based on whole genome. restriction_table: dict Dictionary with chromosome identifiers (str) as keys and list of positions (int) of restriction sites as values. """ # NOTE: Bottlenecks here are 1. binary search in find_frag and 2. writerow # 1. could be reduced by searching groups of N frags in parallel and 2. by # writing N frags simultaneously using a single call of writerows. # Parse and update header section pairs_header = hio.get_pairs_header(pairs_file) header_size = len(pairs_header) chrom_order = [] with open(idx_pairs_file, "w") as idx_pairs: for line in pairs_header: # Add new column names to header if line.startswith("#columns"): line = line.rstrip() + " frag1 frag2" if line.startswith("#chromsize"): chrom_order.append(line.split()[1]) idx_pairs.write(line + "\n") # Get number of fragments per chrom to allow genome-based indices shift_frags = {} prev_frags = 0 for rank, chrom in enumerate(chrom_order): if rank > 0: # Note the "-1" because there are nfrags + 1 sites in rest table prev_frags += len(restriction_table[chrom_order[rank - 1]]) - 1 # Idx of each chrom's frags will be shifted by n frags in previous chroms shift_frags[chrom] = prev_frags missing_contigs = set() # Attribute pairs to fragments and append them to output file (after header) with open(pairs_file, "r") as pairs, open( idx_pairs_file, "a" ) as idx_pairs: # Skip header lines for _ in range(header_size): next(pairs) # Define input and output fields pairs_cols = [ "readID", "chr1", "pos1", "chr2", "pos2", "strand1", "strand2", ] idx_cols = pairs_cols + ["frag1", "frag2"] # Use csv reader / writer to automatically parse columns into a dict pairs_reader = csv.DictReader( pairs, fieldnames=pairs_cols, delimiter="\t" ) pairs_writer = csv.DictWriter( idx_pairs, fieldnames=idx_cols, delimiter="\t" ) for pair in pairs_reader: # Get the 0-based indices of corresponding restriction fragments # Deducing 1 from pair position to get it into 0bp point pair["frag1"] = find_frag( int(pair["pos1"]) - 1, restriction_table[pair["chr1"]] ) pair["frag2"] = find_frag( int(pair["pos2"]) - 1, restriction_table[pair["chr2"]] ) # Shift fragment indices to make them genome-based instead of # chromosome-based try: pair["frag1"] += shift_frags[pair["chr1"]] except KeyError: missing_contigs.add(pair["chr1"]) try: pair["frag2"] += shift_frags[pair["chr2"]] except KeyError: missing_contigs.add(pair["chr2"]) # Write indexed pairs in the new file pairs_writer.writerow(pair) if missing_contigs: logger.warning( "Pairs on the following contigs were discarded as " "those contigs are not listed in the paris file header. " "This is normal if you filtered out small contigs: %s" % " ".join(list(missing_contigs)) )
[docs]def get_restriction_table(seq, enzyme, circular=False): """ Get the restriction table for a single genomic sequence. Parameters ---------- seq : Seq object A biopython Seq object representing a chromosomes or contig. enzyme : int, str or list of str The name of the restriction enzyme used, or a list of restriction enzyme names. Can also be an integer, to digest by fixed chunk size. circular : bool Wether the genome is circular. Returns ------- numpy.array: List of restriction fragment boundary positions for the input sequence. >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq >>> get_restriction_table(Seq("AAGCCGGATCGG"),"HpaII") array([ 0, 4, 12]) >>> get_restriction_table(Seq("AA"),["HpaII", "MluCI"]) array([0, 2]) >>> get_restriction_table(Seq("AA"),"aeiou1") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: aeiou1 is not a valid restriction enzyme. >>> get_restriction_table("AA","HpaII") Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Expected Seq or MutableSeq instance, got <class 'str'> instead """ chrom_len = len(seq) wrong_enzyme = "{} is not a valid restriction enzyme.".format(enzyme) # Restriction batch containing the restriction enzyme try: enz = [enzyme] if isinstance(enzyme, str) else enzyme cutter = RestrictionBatch(enz) except (TypeError, ValueError): try: cutter = max(int(enzyme), DEFAULT_MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) except ValueError: raise ValueError(wrong_enzyme) # Conversion from string type to restriction type if isinstance(cutter, int): sites = [i for i in range(0, chrom_len, cutter)] if sites[-1] < chrom_len: sites.append(chrom_len) else: # Find sites of all restriction enzymes given ana = Analysis(cutter, seq, linear=not circular) sites = ana.full() # Gets all sites into a single flat list with 0-based index sites = [site - 1 for enz in sites.values() for site in enz] # Sort by position and allow first add start and end of seq sites.sort() sites.insert(0, 0) sites.append(chrom_len) return np.array(sites)
[docs]def find_frag(pos, r_sites): """ Use binary search to find the index of a chromosome restriction fragment corresponding to an input genomic position. Parameters ---------- pos : int Genomic position, in base pairs. r_sites : list List of genomic positions corresponding to restriction sites. Returns ------- int The 0-based index of the restriction fragment to which the position belongs. >>> find_frag(15, [0, 20, 30]) 0 >>> find_frag(15, [10, 20, 30]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The first position in the restriction table is not 0. >>> find_frag(31, [0, 20, 30]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Read position is larger than last entry in restriction table. """ if r_sites[0] != 0: raise ValueError( "The first position in the restriction table is not 0." ) if pos > r_sites[-1]: raise ValueError( "Read position is larger than last entry in restriction table." ) # binary search for the index of the read index = max(np.searchsorted(r_sites, pos, side="right") - 1, 0) # Last site = end of the chrom, index of last fragment is last site - 1 index = min(len(r_sites) - 2, index) return index
[docs]def frag_len( frags_file_name=DEFAULT_FRAGMENTS_LIST_FILE_NAME, output_dir=None, plot=False, fig_path=None, ): """ logs summary statistics of fragment length distribution based on an input fragment file. Can optionally show a histogram instead of text summary. Parameters ---------- frags_file_name : str Path to the output list of fragments. output_dir : str Directory where the list should be saved. plot : bool Wether a histogram of fragment length should be shown. fig_path : str If a path is given, the figure will be saved instead of shown. """ try: frag_list_path = os.path.join(output_dir, frags_file_name) except TypeError: frag_list_path = frags_file_name frags = pd.read_csv(frag_list_path, sep="\t") nfrags = frags.shape[0] med_len = frags["size"].median() nbins = 40 if plot: fig, ax = plt.subplots() _, _, _ = ax.hist(frags["size"], bins=nbins) ax.set_xlabel("Fragment length [bp]") ax.set_ylabel("Log10 number of fragments") ax.set_title("Distribution of restriction fragment length") ax.set_yscale("log", base=10) ax.annotate( "Total fragments: {}".format(nfrags), xy=(0.95, 0.95), xycoords="axes fraction", fontsize=12, horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="top", ) ax.annotate( "Median length: {}".format(med_len), xy=(0.95, 0.90), xycoords="axes fraction", fontsize=12, horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="top", ) # Tweak spacing to prevent clipping of ylabel fig.tight_layout() if fig_path: plt.savefig(fig_path) else: plt.clf() else: "Genome digested into {0} fragments with a median " "length of {1}".format(nfrags, med_len) )
[docs]def gen_enzyme_religation_regex(enzyme): """Return a regex which corresponds to all possible religation sites given a set of enzyme. Parameters: ----------- enzyme : str String that contains the names of the enzyme separated by a comma. Returns: -------- re.Pattern : Regex that corresponds to all possible ligation sites given a set of enzyme. Examples: --------- >>> gen_enzyme_religation_regex('HpaII') re.compile('CCGCGG') >>> gen_enzyme_religation_regex('HpaII,MluCI') re.compile('AATTAATT|AATTCGG|CCGAATT|CCGCGG') """ # Split the str on the comma to separate the different enzymes. enzyme = enzyme.split(",") # Check on Biopython dictionnary the enzyme. rb = RestrictionBatch(enzyme) # Initiation: give_list = [] accept_list = [] ligation_list = [] # Iterates on the enzymes. for enz in rb: # Extract restriction sites and look for cut sites. site = enz.elucidate() fw_cut = site.find("^") rev_cut = site.find("_") # Process "give" site. Remove N on the left (useless). give_site = site[:rev_cut].replace("^", "") while give_site[0] == "N": give_site = give_site[1:] give_list.append(give_site) # Process "accept" site. Remove N on the rigth (useless). accept_site = site[fw_cut + 1 :].replace("_", "") while accept_site[-1] == "N": accept_site = accept_site[:-1] accept_list.append(accept_site) # Iterates on the two list to build all the possible HiC ligation sites. for give_site in give_list: for accept_site in accept_list: # Replace "N" by "." for regex searching of the sites ligation_list.append((give_site + accept_site).replace("N", ".")) ligation_list.append( str(Seq(give_site + accept_site).reverse_complement()).replace( "N", "." ) ) # Build the regex for any ligation sites. pattern = "|".join(sorted(list(set(ligation_list)))) return re.compile(pattern)