Source code for hicstuff.commands

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8

"""Abstract command classes for hicstuff

This module contains all classes related to hicstuff

    -iteralign (iterative mapping)
    -digest (genome chunking)
    -cutsite (preprocess fastq by cutting reads into digestion products)
    -filter (Hi-C 'event' sorting: loops, uncuts, weird
     and 'true contacts')
    -view (map visualization)
    -pipeline (whole contact map generation)
    -distancelaw (Analysis tool and plot for the distance law)

Running 'pipeline' implies running 'digest', but not
iteralign or filter unless specified, because they can
take up a lot of time for dimnishing returns.

Structure based on Rémy Greinhofer (rgreinho) tutorial on subcommands in
docopt :
cmdoret, 20181412

    Will be raised if AbstractCommand is called for
    some reason instead of one of its children.
    Will be raised if an incorrect chunking method (e.g.
    not an enzyme or number or invalid range view is
import re
import sys, os, shutil
import tempfile
from os.path import join, dirname
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from docopt import docopt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pysam as ps
import glob
import copy
from Bio import SeqIO
import hicstuff.view as hcv
import hicstuff.hicstuff as hcs
import hicstuff.cutsite as hcc
import hicstuff.digest as hcd
import hicstuff.iteralign as hci
import hicstuff.filter as hcf
from hicstuff.version import __version__
import as hio
from hicstuff.log import logger
import hicstuff.pipeline as hpi
import hicstuff.distance_law as hcdl


[docs]class AbstractCommand: """Abstract base command class Base class for the commands from which other hicstuff commands derive. """ def __init__(self, command_args, global_args): """Initialize the commands""" self.args = docopt(self.__doc__, argv=command_args) self.global_args = global_args # Map Hi-C format to file extension self.fmt2ext = {"cool": ".cool", "bg2": ".bg2", "graal": ".mat.tsv"}
[docs] def execute(self): """Execute the commands""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def check_output_path(self, path, force=False): """Throws error if the output file exists. Create required file tree otherwise.""" # Get complete output filename and prevent overwriting unless force is enabled if not force and os.path.exists(path): raise IOError( "Output file already exists. Use --force to overwrite" ) if dirname(path): os.makedirs(dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
[docs]class Iteralign(AbstractCommand): """Iterative mapping command Truncate reads from a fastq file to 20 basepairs and iteratively extend and re-align the unmapped reads to optimize the proportion of uniquely aligned reads in a 3C library. usage: iteralign [--aligner=bowtie2] [--threads=1] [--min-len=20] [--read-len=INT] [--tempdir=DIR] --out-bam=FILE --genome=FILE <reads.fq> arguments: reads.fq Fastq file containing the reads to be aligned options: -g, --genome=FILE The genome on which to map the reads. Must be the path to the bowtie2/bwa index if using bowtie2/bwa or to the genome in fasta format if using minimap2. -t, --threads=INT Number of parallel threads allocated for the alignment [default: 1]. -T, --tempdir=DIR Temporary directory. Defaults to current directory. -a, --aligner=bowtie2 Choose alignment software between bowtie2, minimap2 or bwa. minimap2 should only be used for reads > 100 bp. [default: bowtie2] -l, --min-len=INT Length to which the reads should be truncated [default: 20]. -o, --out-bam=FILE Path where the alignment will be written in BAM format. -R, --read-len=INT Read length in input FASTQ file. If not provided, this is estimated from the first read in the file. """
[docs] def execute(self): read_len = self.args["--read-len"] if read_len is not None: read_len = int(read_len) if not self.args["--tempdir"]: self.args["--tempdir"] = "." temp_directory = hio.generate_temp_dir(self.args["--tempdir"]) hci.iterative_align( self.args["<reads.fq>"], temp_directory, self.args["--genome"], self.args["--threads"], self.args["--out-bam"], aligner=self.args["--aligner"], min_len=int(self.args["--min-len"]), read_len=read_len, ) # Deletes the temporary folder shutil.rmtree(temp_directory)
[docs]class Digest(AbstractCommand): """Genome chunking command Digests a fasta file into fragments based on a restriction enzyme or a fixed chunk size. Generates two output files into the target directory named "info_contigs.txt" and "fragments_list.txt" usage: digest [--plot] [--figdir=FILE] [--force] [--circular] [--size=0] [--outdir=DIR] --enzyme=ENZ <fasta> arguments: fasta Fasta file to be digested options: -c, --circular Specify if the genome is circular. -e, --enzyme=ENZ[,ENZ2,...] A restriction enzyme or an integer representing fixed chunk sizes (in bp). Multiple comma-separated enzymes can be given. -F, --force Write even if the output file already exists. -s, --size=INT Minimum size threshold to keep fragments. [default: 0] -o, --outdir=DIR Directory where the fragments and contigs files will be written. Defaults to current directory. -p, --plot Show a histogram of fragment length distribution after digestion. -f, --figdir=FILE Path to directory of the output figure. By default, the figure is only shown but not saved. output: fragments_list.txt: information about restriction fragments (or chunks) info_contigs.txt: information about contigs or chromosomes """
[docs] def execute(self): # If circular is not specified, change it from None to False if not self.args["--circular"]: self.args["--circular"] = False if not self.args["--outdir"]: self.args["--outdir"] = os.getcwd() # Create output directory if it does not exist if os.path.exists(self.args["--outdir"]): if not self.args["--force"]: raise IOError( "Output directory already exists. Use --force to overwrite" ) else: os.makedirs(self.args["--outdir"], exist_ok=True) if self.args["--figdir"]: figpath = join(self.args["--figdir"], "frags_hist.pdf") else: figpath = None # Split into a list if multiple enzymes given enzyme = self.args["--enzyme"] if",", enzyme): enzyme = enzyme.split(",") hcd.write_frag_info( self.args["<fasta>"], enzyme, self.args["--size"], output_dir=self.args["--outdir"], circular=self.args["--circular"], ) hcd.frag_len( output_dir=self.args["--outdir"], plot=self.args["--plot"], fig_path=figpath, )
[docs]class Cutsite(AbstractCommand): """Cutsite command Generates new gzipped fastq files from original fastq. The function will cut the reads at their religation sites and creates new pairs of reads with the different fragments obtained after cutting at the digestion sites. There are three choices to how combine the fragments. 1. "for_vs_rev": All the combinations are made between one forward fragment and one reverse fragment. 2. "all": All 2-combinations are made. 3. "pile": Only combinations between adjacent fragments in the initial reads are made. usage: cutsite --forward=FILE --reverse=FILE --prefix=STR --enzyme=STR [--mode=for_vs_rev] [--seed-size=20] [--threads=1] options: -1, --forward=FILE Fastq file containing the forward reads to digest. -2, --reverse=FILE Fastq file containing the reverse reads to digest. -p, --prefix=STR Prefix of the path where to write the digested gzipped fastq files. Filenames will be added the suffix "_{1,2}.fq.gz". -e, --enzyme=STR The list of restriction enzyme used to digest the genome separated by a comma. Example: HpaII,MluCI. -m, --mode=STR Digestion mode. There are three possibilities: "for_vs_rev", "all" and "pile". The first one "for_vs_rev" makes all possible contact between fragments from forward read versus the fragments of the reverse reads. The second one "all" consist two make all pairs of fragments possible. The third one "pile" will make the contacts only with the adjacent fragments. [Default: for_vs_rev] -s, --seed-size=INT Minimum size of a read. (i.e. seed size used in mapping as reads smaller won't be mapped.) [Default: 20] -t, --threads=INT Number of parallel threads allocated for the alignement. [Default: 1] """
[docs] def execute(self): # Check for mandatory options for option in ["--prefix", "--forward", "--reverse"]: if self.args[option] is None: raise ValueError(f"{option} is mandatory.") prefix = self.args["--prefix"] # Create output directory if it does not exist if dirname(prefix): os.makedirs(dirname(prefix), exist_ok=True) output_for = prefix + "_R1.fq.gz" output_rev = prefix + "_R2.fq.gz" # Digestion of the reads."Digestion of the reads:")"Enzyme used: {0}".format(self.args["--enzyme"])) "Mode used to cut the reads: {0}".format(self.args["--mode"]) ) hcc.cut_ligation_sites( self.args["--forward"], self.args["--reverse"], output_for, output_rev, enzyme=self.args["--enzyme"], mode=self.args["--mode"], seed_size=int(self.args["--seed-size"]), n_cpu=int(self.args["--threads"]), )
[docs]class Filter(AbstractCommand): """Mapping event filtering command Filters spurious 3C events such as loops and uncuts from the library based on a minimum distance threshold automatically estimated from the library by default. Can also plot 3C library statistics. usage: filter [--interactive | --thresholds INT-INT] [--plot] [--figdir FILE] [--prefix STR] <input> <output> arguments: input 2D BED file containing coordinates of Hi-C interacting pairs, the index of their restriction fragment and their strands. output Path to the filtered file, in the same format as the input. options: -f, --figdir=DIR Path to the output figure directory. By default, the figure is only shown but not saved. -i, --interactive Interactively shows plots and asks for thresholds. -p, --plot Shows plots of library composition and 3C events abundance. -P, --prefix STR If the library has a name, it will be shown on the figures. -t, --thresholds=INT-INT Manually defines integer values for the thresholds in the order [uncut, loop]. Reads above those values are kept. """
[docs] def execute(self): figpath = None if self.args["--thresholds"]: # Thresholds supplied by user beforehand uncut_thr, loop_thr = self.args["--thresholds"].split("-") try: uncut_thr = int(uncut_thr) loop_thr = int(loop_thr) except ValueError: logger.error( "You must provide integer numbers for the thresholds." ) else: # Threshold defined at runtime if self.args["--figdir"]: figpath = join(self.args["--figdir"], "event_distance.pdf") if not os.path.exists(self.args["--figdir"]): os.makedirs(self.args["--figdir"]) uncut_thr, loop_thr = hcf.get_thresholds( self.args["<input>"], interactive=self.args["--interactive"], plot_events=self.args["--plot"], fig_path=figpath, prefix=self.args["--prefix"], ) # Filter library and write to output file figpath = None if self.args["--figdir"]: figpath = join(self.args["--figdir"], "event_distribution.pdf") hcf.filter_events( self.args["<input>"], self.args["<output>"], uncut_thr, loop_thr, plot_events=self.args["--plot"], fig_path=figpath, prefix=self.args["--prefix"], )
[docs]class View(AbstractCommand): """Contact map visualization command Visualize a Hi-C matrix file as a heatmap of contact frequencies. Allows to tune visualisation by binning and normalizing the matrix, and to save the output image to disk. If no output is specified, the output is displayed. usage: view [--binning=1] [--despeckle] [--frags FILE] [--trim INT] [--n-mad 3.0] [--lines] [--normalize] [--min=0] [--max=99%] [--output=IMG] [--cmap=Reds] [--dpi=300] [--transform=STR] [--circular] [--region=STR] <contact_map> [<contact_map2>] arguments: contact_map Sparse contact matrix in bg2, cool or graal format contact_map2 Sparse contact matrix in bg2, cool or graal format, if given, the log ratio of contact_map/contact_map2 will be shown. options: -b, --binning=INT[bp|kb|Mb|Gb] Rebin the matrix. If no unit is given, bins will be merged by groups of INT. If a unit is given, bins of that size will be generated. [default: 1] -c, --cmap=STR The name of a matplotlib colormap to use for the matrix. [default: Reds] -C, --circular Use if the genome is circular. -d, --despeckle Remove sharp increases in long range contact by averaging surrounding values. -D, --dpi=INT Map resolution in DPI (dots per inch). [default: 300] -f, --frags=FILE Required for bp binning and chromosome lines. Tab-separated file with headers, containing fragments start position in the 3rd column, as generated by hicstuff pipeline. -T, --transform=STR Apply a mathematical transformation to pixel values to improve visibility of long range signals. Possible values are: log2, log10, ln, sqrt, exp0.2. -l, --lines Add dotted lines marking separation between chromosomes or contigs. Requires --frags. -M, --max=INT Saturation threshold. Maximum pixel value is set to this number. Can be followed by % to use a percentile of nonzero pixels in the contact map. [default: 99%] -m, --min=INT Minimum of the colorscale, works identically to --max. [default: 0] -N, --n-mad=INT Number of median absolute deviations (MAD) from the median of log bin sums allowed to keep bins in the normalization procedure [default: 3.0]. -n, --normalize Should ICE normalization be performed before rendering the matrix ? -o, --output=FILE Name of the image file where the view is stored. -r, --region=STR[;STR] Only view a region of the contact map. Regions are specified as UCSC strings. (e.g.:chr1:1000-12000). If only one region is given, it is viewed on the diagonal. If two regions are given, The contacts between both are shown. -t, --trim=INT Trims outlier rows/columns from the matrix if the sum of their contacts deviates from the mean by more than INT standard deviations. """
[docs] def data_transform(self, dense_map, operation="log10"): """ Apply a mathematical operation on a dense Hi-C map. Valid operations are: log2, log10, ln, sqrt, exp0.2 """ ops = { "log10": np.log10, "log2": np.log2, "ln": np.log, "sqrt": np.sqrt, } if operation in ops: return ops[operation](dense_map) elif re.match(r"exp", operation): splitop = operation.split("exp") exp_val = float(splitop[1]) return dense_map ** exp_val elif hasattr(np, operation) and callable(np.__dict__[operation]): logger.warning("Using built-in numpy callable: %s", operation) return np.__dict__[operation](dense_map) else: raise TypeError("Supplied transform function is not supported.")
[docs] def process_matrix(self, sparse_map): """ Performs any combination of binning, normalisation, log transformation, trimming and subsetting based on the attributes of the instance class. """ # BINNING if self.binning > 1: if self.bp_unit: self.pos = self.frags.iloc[:, 2] binned_map, binned_pos = hcs.bin_bp_sparse( M=sparse_map, positions=self.pos, bin_len=self.binning ) # Get bin numbers of chromosome starts binned_start = np.append( np.where(binned_pos == 0)[0], len(binned_pos) ) # Get bin length of each chromosome num_binned = binned_start[1:] - binned_start[:-1] # Get unique chromosome names without losing original order # (numpy.unique sorts output) chr_names_idx = np.unique( self.frags.iloc[:, 1], return_index=True )[1] chr_names = [ self.frags.iloc[index, 1] for index in sorted(chr_names_idx) ] binned_chrom = np.repeat(chr_names, num_binned) binned_frags = pd.DataFrame( {"chrom": binned_chrom, "start_pos": binned_pos[:, 0]} ) binned_frags["end_pos"] = binned_frags.groupby("chrom")[ "start_pos" ].shift(-1) chrom_ends = self.frags.groupby("chrom").end_pos.max() # Fill ends of chromosome bins with actual chromosome length for cn in chrom_ends.index: binned_frags.end_pos[ np.isnan(binned_frags.end_pos) & (binned_frags.chrom == cn) ] = chrom_ends[cn] else: # Note this is a basic binning procedure, chromosomes are # not taken into account -> last few fragments of a chrom # are merged with the first few of the next binned_map = hcs.bin_sparse( M=sparse_map, subsampling_factor=self.binning ) if self.frags: binned_frags = self.frags.iloc[:: self.binning, :] binned_frags = binned_frags.reset_index(drop=True) # Since matrix binning ignores chromosomes, we # have to do the same procedure with fragments # we just correct the coordinates to start at 0 def shift_min(x): try: x[x == min(x)] = 0 except ValueError: pass return x binned_frags.start_pos = binned_frags.groupby( "chrom", sort=False ).start_pos.apply(shift_min) else: binned_frags = self.frags else: binned_map = sparse_map binned_frags = self.frags # TRIMMING if self.args["--trim"]: try: trim_std = float(self.args["--trim"]) except ValueError: logger.error( "You must specify a number of standard deviations for " "trimming" ) raise binned_map = hcs.trim_sparse(binned_map, n_mad=trim_std) # NORMALIZATION if self.args["--normalize"]: binned_map = hcs.normalize_sparse( binned_map, norm="ICE", n_mad=float(self.args["--n-mad"]) ) # ZOOM REGION if self.args["--region"]: if self.args["--lines"]: raise NotImplementedError( "Chromosome lines are currently incompatible with a region zoom" ) if self.frags is None: logger.error( "A fragment file must be provided to subset " "genomic regions. See hicstuff view --help" ) sys.exit(1) # Load chromosomes and positions from fragments list reg_pos = binned_frags[['chrom', 'start_pos']] region = self.args["--region"] if ";" in region: # 2 input regions: zoom anywhere in matrix self.symmetric = False reg1, reg2 = region.split(";") reg1 = parse_ucsc(reg1, reg_pos) reg2 = parse_ucsc(reg2, reg_pos) else: # Only 1 input region: zoom on diagonal region = parse_ucsc(region, reg_pos) reg1 = reg2 = region binned_map = binned_map.tocsr() binned_map = binned_map[reg1[0] : reg1[1], reg2[0] : reg2[1]] binned_map = binned_map.tocoo() return binned_map, binned_frags
[docs] def execute(self): input_map = self.args["<contact_map>"] hic_fmt = hio.get_hic_format(input_map) cmap = self.args["--cmap"] # Switch to a divergent colormap for plotting ratios if ( self.args["<contact_map2>"] is not None and cmap not in DIVERGENT_CMAPS ): # In case user specified a custom cmap incompatible with ratios if cmap != "Reds": logger.warning( "You chose a non-divergent colormap. Valid divergent " "cmaps are:\n\t{}".format(" ".join(DIVERGENT_CMAPS)) ) "Defaulting to seismic colormap for ratios. You can pick " "another divergent colormap if you wish." ) cmap = "seismic" self.bp_unit = False bin_str = self.args["--binning"].upper() self.symmetric = True transform = self.args["--transform"] try: # Subsample binning self.binning = int(bin_str) except ValueError: if re.match(r"^[0-9]+[KMG]?B[P]?$", bin_str): if hic_fmt == "graal" and not self.args["--frags"]: logger.error( "A fragment file must be provided to perform " "basepair binning. See hicstuff view --help" ) sys.exit(1) # Load positions from fragments list self.binning = parse_bin_str(bin_str) self.bp_unit = True else: logger.error( "Please provide an integer or basepair value for binning." ) raise sparse_map, self.frags, _ = hio.flexible_hic_loader( input_map, fragments_file=self.args["--frags"], quiet=True ) output_file = self.args["--output"] processed_map, frags = self.process_matrix(sparse_map) # If 2 matrices given compute log ratio if self.args["<contact_map2>"]: sparse_map2, _, _ = hio.flexible_hic_loader( self.args["<contact_map2>"], fragments_file=self.args["--frags"], quiet=True, ) processed_map2, _ = self.process_matrix(sparse_map2) if sparse_map2.shape != sparse_map.shape: logger.error( "You cannot compute the ratio of matrices with " "different dimensions" ) # Get log of values for both maps = np.log2( = np.log2( # Note: Taking diff of logs instead of log of ratio because sparse # mat division yields dense matrix in current implementation. # Changing base to 2 afterwards. processed_map = processed_map.tocsr() - processed_map2.tocsr() processed_map = processed_map.tocoo()[np.isnan(] = 0.0 # Log transformation done already transform = False if self.args["--despeckle"]: processed_map = hcs.despeckle_simple(processed_map) try: if self.symmetric: dense_map = hcv.sparse_to_dense( processed_map, remove_diag=False ) else: dense_map = processed_map.toarray() def set_v(v, mat): if "%" in v: try: valid_pixels = (mat > 0) & (np.isfinite(mat)) val = np.percentile( mat[valid_pixels], float(v.strip("%")) ) # No nonzero / finite value except IndexError: val = 0 else: val = float(v) return val dense_map = dense_map.astype(float) self.vmax = set_v(self.args["--max"], dense_map) self.vmin = set_v(self.args["--min"], dense_map) if self.args["<contact_map2>"]: self.vmin, self.vmax = -2, 2 # Log transform the map and the colorscale limits if needed if transform: dense_map = self.data_transform(dense_map, transform) # self.vmin = np.percentile(dense_map[np.isfinite(dense_map)], 1) # self.vmax = self.data_transform(self.vmax, transform) self.vmax = set_v(self.args["--max"], dense_map) self.vmin = set_v(self.args["--min"], dense_map) else: # Set 0 values in matrix to NA dense_map[dense_map == 0] = np.inf # Get chromosome coordinates if required if self.args["--lines"]: chrom_starts = np.where(np.diff(frags.start_pos) < 0)[0] + 1 else: chrom_starts = None # Display NA values in white current_cmap = cm.get_cmap().copy() current_cmap.set_bad(color=current_cmap(0)) hcv.plot_matrix( dense_map, filename=output_file, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, dpi=int(self.args["--dpi"]), cmap=cmap, chrom_starts=chrom_starts, ) except MemoryError: logger.error("contact map is too large to load, try binning more")
[docs]class Pipeline(AbstractCommand): """Whole (end-to-end) contact map generation command Entire Pipeline to process fastq files into a Hi-C matrix. Uses all the individual components of hicstuff. usage: pipeline [--aligner=bowtie2] [--centromeres=FILE] [--circular] [--distance-law] [--duplicates] [--enzyme=5000] [--filter] [--force] [--mapping=normal] [--matfmt=graal] [--no-cleanup] [--outdir=DIR] [--plot] [--prefix=PREFIX] [--quality-min=30] [--read-len=INT] [--remove-centromeres=0] [--size=0] [--start-stage=fastq] [--threads=1] [--tmpdir=DIR] --genome=FILE <input1> [<input2>] arguments: input1: Forward fastq file, if start_stage is "fastq", sam file for aligned forward reads if start_stage is "bam", or a .pairs file if start_stage is "pairs". input2: Reverse fastq file, if start_stage is "fastq", sam file for aligned reverse reads if start_stage is "bam", or nothing if start_stage is "pairs". options: -a, --aligner=STR Alignment software to use. Can be either bowtie2, minimap2 or bwa. minimap2 should only be used for reads > 100 bp. [default: bowtie2] -c, --centromeres=FILE Positions of the centromeres separated by a space and in the same order than the chromosomes. Discordant with the circular option. -C, --circular Enable if the genome is circular. Discordant with the centromeres option. -d, --distance-law If enabled, generates a distance law file with the values of the probabilities to have a contact between two distances for each chromosomes or arms if the file with the positions has been given. The values are not normalized, or averaged. -D, --duplicates Filter out PCR duplicates based on read positions. -e, --enzyme={STR|INT} Restriction enzyme or "mnase" if a string, or chunk size (i.e. resolution) if a number. Can also be multiple comma-separated enzymes. [default: 5000] -f, --filter Filter out spurious 3C events (loops and uncuts) using hicstuff filter. Requires "-e" to be a restriction enzyme or mnase, not a chunk size. For more informations, see Cournac et al. BMC Genomics, 2012. -F, --force Write even if the output file already exists. -g, --genome=FILE Reference genome to map against. Path to the bowtie2/bwa index if using bowtie2/bwa, or to a FASTA file if using minimap2. -m, --mapping=STR normal|iterative|cutsite. Parameter of mapping. "normal": Directly map reads without any process. "iterative": Map reads iteratively using iteralign, by truncating reads to 20bp and then repeatedly extending to align them. "cutsite": Cut reads at the religation sites of the given enzyme using cutsite, create new pairs of reads and then align them ; enzyme is required [default: normal]. -M, --matfmt=STR The format of the output sparse matrix. Can be "bg2" for 2D Bedgraph format, "cool" for Mirnylab's cooler software, or "graal" for graal-compatible plain text COO format. [default: graal] -n, --no-cleanup If enabled, intermediary BED files will be kept after generating the contact map. Disabled by defaut. -o, --outdir=DIR Output directory. Defaults to the current directory. -p, --plot Generates plots in the output directory at different steps of the pipeline. -P, --prefix=STR Overrides default filenames and prefixes all output files with a custom name. -q, --quality-min=INT Minimum mapping quality for selecting contacts. [default: 30]. -r, --remove-centromeres=INT Integer. Number of kb that will be remove around the centromere position given by in the centromere file. [default: 0] -R, --read-len=INT Maximum read length in the fastq file. Optionally used in iterative alignment mode. Estimated from the first read by default. Useful if input fastq is a composite of different read lengths. -s, --size=INT Minimum size threshold to consider contigs. Keep all contigs by default. [default: 0] -S, --start-stage=STR Define the starting point of the pipeline to skip some steps. Default is "fastq" to run from the start. Can also be "bam" to skip the alignment, "pairs" to start from a single pairs file or "pairs_idx" to skip fragment attribution and only build the matrix. [default: fastq] -t, --threads=INT Number of threads to allocate. [default: 1]. -T, --tmpdir=DIR Directory for storing intermediary BED files and temporary sort files. Defaults to the output directory. output: abs_fragments_contacts_weighted.txt: the sparse contact map fragments_list.txt: information about restriction fragments (or chunks) info_contigs.txt: information about contigs or chromosomes hicstuff.log: details and statistics about the run. """
[docs] def execute(self): if self.args["--filter"] and self.args["--enzyme"].isdigit(): raise ValueError( "You cannot filter without specifying a restriction enzyme." ) elif self.args["--enzyme"] in ("mnase", "dnase"):"## Enzyme provided is 'mnase', setting bin-size to 100bp") self.args["--enzyme"] = 100 if not self.args["--outdir"]: self.args["--outdir"] = os.getcwd() if self.args["--matfmt"] not in ("graal", "bg2", "cool"): logger.error("matfmt must be either bg2, cool or graal.") raise ValueError read_len = self.args["--read-len"] if read_len is not None: read_len = int(read_len) hpi.full_pipeline( genome=self.args["--genome"], input1=self.args["<input1>"], input2=self.args["<input2>"], aligner=self.args["--aligner"], centromeres=self.args["--centromeres"], circular=self.args["--circular"], distance_law=self.args["--distance-law"], enzyme=self.args["--enzyme"], filter_events=self.args["--filter"], force=self.args["--force"], mapping=self.args["--mapping"], mat_fmt=self.args["--matfmt"], min_qual=int(self.args["--quality-min"]), min_size=int(self.args["--size"]), no_cleanup=self.args["--no-cleanup"], out_dir=self.args["--outdir"], pcr_duplicates=self.args["--duplicates"], plot=self.args["--plot"], prefix=self.args["--prefix"], read_len=read_len, remove_centros=self.args["--remove-centromeres"], start_stage=self.args["--start-stage"], threads=int(self.args["--threads"]), tmp_dir=self.args["--tmpdir"], )
[docs]class Scalogram(AbstractCommand): """ Generate a scalogram. usage: scalogram [--cmap=viridis] [--centromeres=FILE] [--frags=FILE] [--range=INT-INT] [--threads=1] [--output=FILE] [--normalize] [--indices=INT-INT] [--despeckle] <contact_map> argument: <contact_map> The sparse Hi-C contact matrix. options: -C, --cmap=STR The matplotlib colormap to use for the plot. [default: viridis] -d, --despeckle Remove speckles (artifactual spots) from the matrix. -f, --frags=FILE Fragments_list.txt file providing mapping between genomic coordinates and bin IDs. -i, --indices=INT-INT The range of bin numbers of the matrix to use for the plot. Can also be given in UCSC style genomic coordinates (requires -f). E.g. chr1:1Mb-10Mb. -o, --output=FILE Output file where the plot should be saved. Plot is only displayed by default. -n, --normalize Normalize the matrix first. -r, --range=INT-INT The range of contact distance to look at. No limit by default. Values in basepairs by default but a unit can be specified (kb, Mb, ...). -t, --threads=INT Parallel processes to run in for despeckling. [default: 1] """
[docs] def execute(self): mat, frags, _ = hio.flexible_hic_loader( self.args["<contact_map>"], fragments_file=self.args["--frags"] ) if frags is not None: # If fragments_list.txt is provided, load chrom start and end columns frags = pd.read_csv( self.args["--frags"], delimiter="\t", usecols=(1, 2, 3) ) if self.args["--range"]: shortest, longest = self.args["--range"].split("-") # If range given in number of bins try: shortest, longest = int(shortest), int(longest) # If range given in genomic scale except ValueError: shortest, longest = ( parse_bin_str(shortest), parse_bin_str(longest), ) # Use average bin size to convert genomic scale to number of bins avg_res = (frags.end_pos - frags.start_pos).mean() shortest, longest = ( int(shortest // avg_res), int(longest // avg_res), ) if self.args["--indices"]: start, end = self.args["--indices"].split("-") # If given in bin numbers try: start = int(start) end = int(end) # If given in genomic coordinates except ValueError: start, end = parse_ucsc( self.args["--indices"], frags.loc[:, ["chrom", "start_pos"]], ) output_file = self.args["--output"] # good_bins = np.array(range(S.shape[0])) S = mat.tocsr() if not self.args["--range"]: shortest = 0 longest = S.shape[0] if self.args["--normalize"]: # good_bins = np.where(hcs.get_good_bins(S, n_std=3) == 1)[0] S = hcs.normalize_sparse(S, norm="ICE") S = S.tocsr() if self.args["--despeckle"]: S = hcs.despeckle_simple(S, threads=int(self.args["--threads"])) # Cropping matrix before transforming to dense to reduce memory overhead # Note we leave a margin equal to longest range so that all windows can be computed if self.args["--indices"]: crop_inf, crop_sup = ( max(0, start - longest), min(S.shape[0], end + longest), ) crop_later = longest S = S[crop_inf:crop_sup, crop_inf:crop_sup] else: crop_later = 0 D = hcv.sparse_to_dense(S) D = np.fliplr(np.rot90(hcs.scalogram(D), k=-1)) # Crop the margin left previously to get actual indices on dimenstion 0 # and focus scale to --range on dimension 1 plt.contourf( D[crop_later : D.shape[1] - crop_later, shortest:longest], cmap=self.args["--cmap"], ) if output_file: plt.savefig(output_file) else:
[docs]class Rebin(AbstractCommand): """ Rebins a Hi-C matrix and modifies its fragment and chrom files accordingly. Output files are in the same format as the input files (cool, graal or bg2). usage: rebin [--binning=1] [--frags=FILE] [--force] [--chroms=FILE] <contact_map> <out_prefix> arguments: contact_map Sparse contact matrix in graal, cool or bg2 format. out_prefix Prefix path (without extension) for the output files. options: -b, --binning=INT[bp|kb|Mb|Gb] Subsampling factor or fix value in basepairs to use for binning [default: 1]. -f, --frags=FILE Tab-separated file with headers, containing fragments start position in the 3rd column. This is the file "fragments_list.txt" generated by hicstuff pipeline. Required for graal matrices and recommended for bg2. -F, --force Write even if the output file already exists. -c, --chroms=FILE Tab-separated with headers, containing chromosome names, size, number of restriction fragments. This is the file "info_contigs.txt" generated by hicstuff pipeline. """
[docs] def execute(self): prefix = self.args["<out_prefix>"] bin_str = self.args["--binning"].upper() hic_fmt = hio.get_hic_format(self.args["<contact_map>"]) # Get complete output filename and prevent overwriting unless --force is enabled out_name = prefix + self.fmt2ext[hic_fmt] self.check_output_path(out_name, force=self.args["--force"]) # Load positions from fragments list and chromosomes from chrom file map_path = self.args["<contact_map>"] hic_map, frags, chromlist = hio.flexible_hic_loader( map_path, fragments_file=self.args["--frags"], chroms_file=self.args["--chroms"], ) if hic_fmt == "graal" and (frags is None or chromlist is None): raise ValueError( "You must provide a chroms file and a fragments file " "when rebinning a matrix in graal format. (hint: the " "files info_contigs.txt and fragments_list.txt)" ) # Create output directory if it does not exist if dirname(prefix): os.makedirs(dirname(prefix), exist_ok=True) bp_unit = False try: # Subsample binning binning = int(bin_str) except ValueError: # Basepair binning: determine bin size if re.match(r"^[0-9]+[KMG]?B[P]?$", bin_str): binning = parse_bin_str(bin_str) bp_unit = True else: logger.error( "Please provide an integer or basepair value for binning." ) raise chromnames = np.unique(frags.chrom) if bp_unit: # Basepair binning: Perform binning hic_map, _ = hcs.bin_bp_sparse(hic_map, frags.start_pos, binning) for chrom in chromnames: chrom_mask = frags.chrom == chrom # For all chromosomes, get new bin start positions bin_id = frags.loc[chrom_mask, "start_pos"] // binning frags.loc[chrom_mask, "id"] = bin_id + 1 frags.loc[chrom_mask, "start_pos"] = binning * bin_id bin_ends = binning * bin_id + binning # Do not allow bin ends to be larger than chrom size try: chromsize = chromlist.length[ chromlist.contig == chrom ].values[0] except AttributeError: chromsize = chromlist["length_kb"][ chromlist.contig == chrom ].values[0] bin_ends[bin_ends > chromsize] = chromsize frags.loc[frags.chrom == chrom, "end_pos"] = bin_ends # Account for special cases where restriction fragments are larger than # bin size, resulting in missing bins (i.e. jumps in bin ids) id_diff = ( np.array(frags.loc[:, "id"])[1:] - np.array(frags.loc[:, "id"])[:-1] ) # Normal jump is 1, new chromosome (reset id) is < 0, abnormal is > 1 # Get panda indices of abnormal jumps jump_frag_idx = np.where(id_diff > 1)[0] add_bins = id_diff - 1 # Need to insert [jump] bins after indices with abnormal [jump] miss_bins = [None] * np.sum(add_bins[jump_frag_idx]) miss_bin_id = 0 for idx in jump_frag_idx: jump_size = add_bins[idx] for j in range(1, jump_size + 1): # New generated bins will be given attributes based on the previous bin # e.g. if 2 missing bins between bins 2 and 5: # id[3] = id[2] + 1 * 1 and id[4] = id[2] + 1 * 2 miss_bins[miss_bin_id] = { "id": frags.loc[idx, "id"] + 1 * j, "chrom": frags.loc[idx, "chrom"], "start_pos": frags.loc[idx, "start_pos"] + binning * j, "end_pos": frags.loc[idx, "end_pos"] + binning * j, "size": binning, "gc_content": np.NaN, } miss_bin_id += 1 # Shift bins row idx to allow # Give existing bins spaced row idx to allow inserting missing bins idx_shift = copy.copy(id_diff) idx_shift[idx_shift < 1] = 1 existing_bins_idx = np.cumsum(idx_shift) # Prepend first bin (lost when computing diff) existing_bins_idx = np.insert(existing_bins_idx, 0, 0) # Add missing bins to original table, and sort by idx # missing bins are "holes" in the continuous range of existing bins missing_bins_idx = sorted( set(range(existing_bins_idx[0], existing_bins_idx[-1])) - set(existing_bins_idx) ) miss_bins_df = pd.DataFrame( miss_bins, columns=frags.columns, index=missing_bins_idx ) frags["tmp_idx"] = existing_bins_idx miss_bins_df["tmp_idx"] = missing_bins_idx frags = pd.concat([frags, miss_bins_df], axis=0, sort=False) frags.sort_values("tmp_idx", axis=0, inplace=True) frags.drop("tmp_idx", axis=1, inplace=True) else: # Subsample binning hic_map = hcs.bin_sparse(hic_map, binning) # Use index for binning, but keep 1-indexed. # Exception when binning is 1 (no binning) where no need to shift shift_id = 0 if binning == 1 else 1 = ( // binning) + shift_id # Save original columns order col_ordered = list(frags.columns) # Get new start and end position for each bin frags = frags.groupby(["chrom", "id"], sort=False, observed=True) positions = frags.agg({"start_pos": "min", "end_pos": "max"}) positions.reset_index(inplace=True) # Compute mean for all added features in each index bin # Normally only other feature is GC content try: features = frags.agg("mean") features.reset_index(inplace=True) # set new bins positions frags = features frags["start_pos"] = 0 frags["end_pos"] = 0 frags.loc[:, positions.columns] = positions except pd.core.base.DataError: frags = positions frags["size"] = frags.end_pos - frags.start_pos cumul_bins = 0 for chrom in chromnames: # Update cumulative length column in chromlist chrom_frags = frags.chrom == chrom n_bins = frags.start_pos[chrom_frags].shape[0] chromlist.loc[chromlist.contig == chrom, "n_frags"] = n_bins chromlist.loc[ chromlist.contig == chrom, "cumul_length" ] = cumul_bins cumul_bins += n_bins # Adjust each chromosome's last bin end to match chromsize last_frag_end = frags.loc[chrom_frags, 'end_pos'].max() chromlen = chromlist.loc[chromlist.contig == chrom, 'length'].values[0] frags.loc[chrom_frags & (frags.end_pos == last_frag_end), 'end_pos'] = chromlen # Keep original column order frags = frags.reindex(columns=col_ordered) # Write 3 binned output files hio.flexible_hic_saver( hic_map, self.args["<out_prefix>"], frags=frags, chroms=chromlist, hic_fmt=hic_fmt, )
[docs]class Subsample(AbstractCommand): """ Subsample contacts from a Hi-C matrix. Probability of sampling is proportional to the intensity of the bin. usage: subsample [--prop=0.1] [--force] <contact_map> <subsampled_prefix> arguments: contact_map Sparse contact matrix in graal, bg2 or cool format. subsampled_prefix Path without extension to the output map in the same format as the input containing only a fraction of the contacts. options: -p, --prop=FLOAT Proportion of contacts to sample from the input matrix if between 0 and 1. Raw number of contacts to keep if superior to 1. [default: 0.1] -F, --force Write even if the output file already exists. """
[docs] def execute(self): hic_fmt = hio.get_hic_format(self.args["<contact_map>"]) prefix = self.args["<subsampled_prefix>"] # Get complete output filename and prevent overwriting unless --force is enabled out_name = prefix + self.fmt2ext[hic_fmt] self.check_output_path(out_name, force=self.args["--force"]) mat, frags, _ = hio.flexible_hic_loader( self.args["<contact_map>"], quiet=True ) subsampled = hcs.subsample_contacts(mat, float(self.args["--prop"])) subsampled = subsampled.tocoo() hio.flexible_hic_saver( subsampled, prefix, frags=frags, hic_fmt=hic_fmt, quiet=True, )
[docs]class Convert(AbstractCommand): """ Convert between different Hi-C dataformats. Currently supports tsv (graal), bedgraph2D (bg2) and cooler (cool). Input format is automatically inferred. usage: convert [--frags=FILE] [--chroms=FILE] [--force] [--genome=FILE] [--to=cool] <contact_map> <prefix> arguments: contact_map The file containing the contact frequencies. prefix The prefix path for output files. An extension will be added to the files depending on the output format. options: -f, --frags=FILE Tab-separated file with headers, containing columns id, chrom, start_pos, end_pos size. This is the file "fragments_list.txt" generated by hicstuff pipeline. Required for graal matrices and recommended for bg2. -F, --force Write even if the output file already exists. -g, --genome=FILE Optional genome file used to add a GC content column to the fragments table. This is required to generate instagraal-compatible files. -c, --chroms=FILE Tab-separated with headers, containing columns contig, length, n_frags, cumul_length. This is the file "info_contigs.txt" generated by hicstuff pipeline. -T, --to=STR The format to which files should be converted. [default: cool] """
[docs] def execute(self): out_fmt = self.args["--to"] mat_path = self.args["<contact_map>"] frags_path = self.args["--frags"] genome_path = self.args["--genome"] chroms_path = self.args["--chroms"] prefix = self.args["<prefix>"] # Get complete output filename and prevent overwriting unless --force is enabled out_name = prefix + self.fmt2ext[out_fmt] self.check_output_path(out_name, force=self.args["--force"]) # Load mat, frags, chroms = hio.flexible_hic_loader( mat_path, fragments_file=frags_path, chroms_file=chroms_path, quiet=True, ) # Modify fragments for instagraal compatibility # Add fragments size column chrom_col, start_col, end_col = hio.get_pos_cols(frags) size = frags[end_col] - frags[start_col] if "size" not in frags.columns: frags = frags.join(pd.DataFrame({"size": size})) # If genome was provided, add gc_content column if genome_path: gc = hio.gc_bins(genome_path, frags) frags = frags.join(pd.DataFrame({"gc_content": gc})) # Write mat = mat.astype(int) hio.flexible_hic_saver( mat=mat, out_prefix=prefix, frags=frags, chroms=chroms, hic_fmt=out_fmt, )
[docs]class Distancelaw(AbstractCommand): """Distance law tools. Take the distance law file from hicstuff and can average it, normalize it compute the slope of the curve and plot it. usage: distancelaw [--average] [--big-arm-only=INT] [--base=1.1] [--centromeres=FILE] [--circular] [--frags=FILE] [--inf=INT] [--outputfile-img=FILE] [--outputfile-tabl=FILE] [--labels=DIR] [--sup=INT] [--remove-centromeres=0] (--pairs=FILE | --dist-tbl=FILE1[,FILE2,...]) options: -a, --average If set, calculate the average of the distance law of the different chromosomes/arms in each condition. If two file given average is mandatory. -b, --big-arm-only=INT Integer. It given will take only the arms bigger than the value given as argument. -B, --base=FLOAT Float corresponding of the base of the log to make the logspace which will slice the genomes in logbins. These slices will be in basepairs unit. [default is 1.1] -c, --centromeres=FILE Positions of the centromeres separated by a space and in the same order as the chromosomes. This allows to plot chromosomal arms separately. Note this will only work with --pairs input, as the distance law needs to be recomputed. Incompatible with the circular option. -C, --circular Enable if the genome is circular. Discordant with the centromeres option. -d, --dist-tbl=FILE1[,FILE2,...] Directory to the file or files containing the compute distance law. File should have the same format than the ones made by hicstuff pipeline. -f, --frags=FILE Tab-separated file with headers, containing columns id, chrom, start_pos, end_pos size. This is the file "fragments_list.txt" generated by hicstuff pipeline. Required if pairs are given. -i, --inf=INT Inferior born to plot the distance law. By default the value is 3000 bp (3 kb). Have to be strictly positive. -l, --labels=STR1,STR2... List of string of the labels for the plot separated by a coma. If no labels given, give the names "Sample 1", "Sample 2"... -o, --outputfile-img=FILE Output file. Format must be compatible with plt.savefig. Default : None. -O, --outputfile-tabl=TABLE Output file. Default : None. -p, --pairs=FILE Pairs file. Format from 4D Nucleome Omics Data Standards Working Group with the 8th and 9th coulumns are the ID of the fragments of the reads 1 and 2. Only add if no distance_law table given. It will compute the table from these pairs and the fragments from the fragments file. -r, --remove-centromeres=INT Integer. Number of kb that will be remove around the centromere position given by in the centromere file. [default: 0] -s, --sup=INT Superior born to plot the distance law. By default the value is the maximum length of all the dataset given. Also if big arm only set, it will be the minimum size of the arms/chromosomes taken to make the average. """
[docs] def execute(self): # Give no file as output_file_img if no given. if self.args["--outputfile-img"]: output_file_img = self.args["--outputfile-img"] else: output_file_img = None # Compute the table of distance law if pairs given if self.args["--pairs"]: # Sanity check : frags mandatory if pairs given. if not self.args["--frags"] or self.args["--dist-tbl"]: logger.error( "You have to give fragments and/or not give table of the distance law if pairs file given." ) sys.exit(1) pairs = self.args["--pairs"] fragments = self.args["--frags"] # Give no file as output_file_tabl if no given. if self.args["--outputfile-tabl"]: output_file_tabl = self.args["--outputfile-tabl"] else: output_file_tabl = None # Check if centromeres file given and if the centromeres have to be removed if self.args["--centromeres"]: centromeres = self.args["--centromeres"] rm_centro = int(self.args["--remove-centromeres"]) else: centromeres = None rm_centro = 0 # Check if circular condition given if self.args["--circular"]: circular = self.args["--circular"] else: circular = None # Check logarithm base if self.args["--base"]: base = float(self.args["--base"]) else: base = 1.1 xs, ps, names = [None], [None], [None] xs[0], ps[0], names[0] = hcdl.get_distance_law( pairs_reads_file=pairs, fragments_file=fragments, centro_file=centromeres, base=base, out_file=output_file_tabl, circular=circular, rm_centro=rm_centro, ) length_files = 1 else: # Put in a list the path or the different paths given. distance_law_file = self.args["--dist-tbl"] distance_law_files = distance_law_file.split(",") length_files = len(distance_law_files) # Make new lists for the modified distance law. xs = [None] * length_files ps = [None] * length_files names = [None] * length_files # Iterate on the different file given by the user. for i in range(length_files): xs[i], ps[i], names[i] = hcdl.import_distance_law( distance_law_files[i] ) names = [name[0] for name in names] # Put the inf and sup according to the arguments given. if self.args["--inf"]: inf = int(self.args["--inf"]) else: inf = 3000 if self.args["--sup"]: sup = int(self.args["--sup"]) else: sup = max(max(xs[0], key=len)) # Add the option big army only. if self.args["--big-arm-only"]: big_arm_only = True arm_sup = int(self.args["--big-arm-only"]) else: big_arm_only = False arm_sup = sup # Sanity check : Average mandatory if more than one file. if not self.args["--average"] and length_files > 1: logger.error("You have to average if more than one file.") sys.exit(1) # Iterate on the different file given by the user. for i in range(length_files): # Make the average if enabled if self.args["--average"]: xs[i], ps[i] = hcdl.average_distance_law( xs[i], ps[i], arm_sup, big_arm_only ) # If not average, we should to remove one level of list to have the good dimension. if not self.args["--average"]: names = names[0] xs = xs[0] ps = ps[0] # Normalize and make the derivative ps = hcdl.normalize_distance_law(xs, ps, inf, arm_sup) # Gave new names for the different samples. if self.args["--labels"]: labels = self.args["--labels"].split(",") else: if length_files == 1 and not self.args["--average"]: labels = [] if len(names) > 1: for chr_names in names: labels.append(chr_names) else: labels = names else: labels = [] for i in range(length_files): labels.append("Sample " + str(i)) # Make the plot if enabled, if not average plot the different arms or # chromosomes with the initial names else plot the different conditions # with the names labels. hcdl.plot_ps_slope(xs, ps, labels, output_file_img, inf, sup) # Export the new table if required. if self.args["--outputfile-tabl"]: hcdl.export_distance_law( xs, ps, labels, self.args["--outputfile-tabl"] )
[docs]class Missview(AbstractCommand): """ Previews bins that will be missing in a Hi-C map with a given read length by finding repetitive regions in the genome. usage: missview [--aligner=bowtie2] [--force] [--binning=5000] [--threads=1] [--tmpdir=STR] --read-len=INT <genome> <output> arguments: genome Genome file in fasta format. output Path to the output image. options: -a, --aligner=STR The read alignment software to use. Can be either bowtie2, minimap2 or bwa. minimap2 should only be used for reads > 100 bp. [default: bowtie2] -b, --binning=INT Resolution to use to preview the Hi-C map. [default: 5000] -F, --force Write even if the output file already exists. -R, --read-len=INT Write even if the output file already exists. -t, --threads=INT Number of CPUs to use in parallel. [default: 1] -T, --tmpdir=STR Directory where temporary files will be generated. """
[docs] def execute(self): aligner = self.args["--aligner"] force = self.args["--force"] genome = self.args["<genome>"] out = self.args["<output>"] resolution = parse_bin_str(self.args["--binning"]) read_len = int(self.args["--read-len"]) threads = int(self.args["--threads"]) tmp_dir = self.args["--tmpdir"] if tmp_dir is None: tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory().name # Simulate reads and save into a fastq file phred = "F" * read_len tmp_fq = join(tmp_dir, "simulated_reads.fq") tmp_bam = join(tmp_dir, "simulated_reads.bam") self.check_output_path(tmp_fq, force=force) "Simulating reads by splitting the genome into %i bp chunks", read_len, ) with open(tmp_fq, "w") as fq_handle: for rec in SeqIO.parse(genome, "fasta"): for i in range(len(rec.seq) - read_len): fq_handle.write("@NS_SIM_%s_%i\n" % (, i)) fq_handle.write(str(rec.seq[i : i + read_len])) fq_handle.write("\n+\n" + phred + "\n") # Map reads to genome hpi.align_reads( tmp_fq, genome, tmp_bam, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, threads=threads, aligner=aligner, ) # Sort alignments by name ps.sort( "-@", str(threads), "-n", "-O", "BAM", "-o", tmp_bam + ".sorted", tmp_bam, ) shutil.move(tmp_bam + ".sorted", tmp_bam) # Run the standard pipeline with, using twice the forward reads. # This will generate a diagonal-only matrix hpi.full_pipeline( genome, tmp_bam, tmp_bam, start_stage="bam", aligner=aligner, enzyme=resolution, force=force, threads=threads, out_dir=tmp_dir, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, ) # Plot and save matrix mat_path = join(tmp_dir, "abs_fragments_contacts_weighted.txt") mat = hio.load_sparse_matrix(mat_path) # Check which bins are not at the median (i.e. drop in mapping rate) log_content = open(glob.glob(join(tmp_dir, "*.log"))[0]).read() # Get (int rounded) percentage of reads mapped and convert to proportion prop_mapped = ( int(".*INFO :: ([0-9]*)% reads.*", log_content)[1]) / 100 ) "Bins with less than %s mapped reads will be considered undetectable", str(100 * prop_mapped) + "%", ) unmappable = mat.diagonal(0) < prop_mapped * resolution mappable_mat = np.ones(mat.shape) mappable_mat[unmappable, :] = 0 mappable_mat[:, unmappable] = 0 hcv.plot_matrix( mappable_mat, filename=out, title=" %.3f%% missing bins for %s \nwith %i bp reads at resolution %i." % ( round(100 * sum(unmappable) / len(unmappable), 3), os.path.basename(genome), read_len, resolution, ), dpi=600, vmax=2, cmap="Greys", )"Output image saved at %s.", out)
[docs]def parse_bin_str(bin_str): """Bin string parsing Take a basepair binning string as input and converts it into corresponding basepair values. Parameters ---------- bin_str : str A basepair region (e.g. 150KB). Unit can be BP, KB, MB, GB. Example ------- >>> parse_bin_str("150KB") 150000 >>> parse_bin_str("0.1mb") 100000 Returns ------- binning : int The number of basepair corresponding to the binning string. """ try: binning = int(bin_str) except ValueError: bin_str = bin_str.upper() binsuffix = {"B": 1, "K": 1000, "M": 1e6, "G": 1e9} unit_pos ="[KMG]?B[P]?$", bin_str).start() bp_unit = bin_str[unit_pos:] # Extract unit and multiply accordingly for fixed bp binning binning = int(float(bin_str[:unit_pos]) * binsuffix[bp_unit[0]]) return binning
[docs]def parse_ucsc(ucsc_str, bins): """ Take a UCSC region in UCSC notation and a list of bin chromosomes and positions (in basepair) and converts it to range of bins. Parameters ---------- ucsc_str : str The region string in UCSC notation (e.g. chr1:1000-2000) bins : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe of two columns containing the chromosome and start position of each bin. Each row must be one bin. Returns ------- coord : tuple A tuple containing the bin range containing in the requested region. """ if ":" in ucsc_str: chrom, bp = ucsc_str.split(":") bp = bp.replace(",", "").upper() start, end = bp.split("-") start, end = parse_bin_str(start), parse_bin_str(end) # Make absolute bin index (independent of chrom) bins["id"] = bins.index chrombins = bins.loc[bins.iloc[:, 0] == chrom, :] start = max([start, 1]) start = max([chrombins.iloc[:, 1] < start]) end = max([chrombins.iloc[:, 1] < end]) else: chrom = ucsc_str # Make absolute bin index (independent of chrom) bins[2] = bins.index chrombins = bins.loc[bins.iloc[:, 0] == chrom, :] try: start = min(chrombins[2]) end = max(chrombins[2]) except ValueError: logger.error("Invalid chromosome") raise coord = (int(start), int(end)) return coord